
Are you in FOR or against the death penalty?

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Are you in FOR or against the death penalty?




  1. i am against the death penalty   there no death penatly in dc  

  2. It really astonishes me, in this day and age, that some American States and the US Federal Govt. have the death penalty on the books.  Charlemagne abolished it what 1000 years ago?  First, it deters no one.  Second, it costs MILLIONS more that simply locking up the miscreant for life.  Why do you Yanks bother?  Why don't you join the rest of civilization for a change or doesn't it bother you that the only other states that uphold this barbaric and draconian practice are tyrannical nations.

    And for those of you who think the Justice system is perfect.  Let me give you a few examples of Canadian men who were sentenced to life in prison who were EXHONERATED.  Gee, what might have happened if we had EXECUTED THEM?  Or do you suppose you raise the dead.

    Look up David Millgaard, Stephen Truscott (sentenced to hang at age 14, sentence commuted to life), Guy Paul Morin.  I'm sure there are a few in your country that were falsely convicted too.  Guess it's lucky for them you didn't FRY them before they were found innocent, eh.  

  3. For.

    In instances where the evidence is clear and the subject is unrepentant and unable to return to civilized society without being a danger to others.  

  4. FOR...and eye for and eye. They are lucky to be given a lethal injection; especially for those who tortured their victims. They should have done to them what they did to others, then they should be put down.  

  5. I think Edwards should get the gas chamber!

    Oh wait... this isn't about him'? With all of the Edwards questions popping up, I got confused.

    I am against the death penalty.  

  6. For.

  7. If someone is given the death penalty, there is a good reason for it.  So i'm For.

  8. For:Dirty politicians(oops, then we'd lose all of of our politicians), pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, terrorists or their chaufers, serial killers, abortionists, kidnappers, child abusers, men who don't pay their child support

    Against: Prostitutes, wives who kill their abusive husbands or children who kill their abusive parent,

  9. I supported capital punishment for a long time, but the more I learned about it, the more I came to oppose it.  In the end, there were several factors that changed my mind:

    1. By far the most compelling is this: Sometimes the legal system gets it wrong. In the last 30 years in the U.S., over 100 people have been released from death row because they were exonerated by DNA evidence. Unfortunately, DNA evidence is not available in most cases. No matter how rare it is, the government should not risk executing one single innocent person.

    Really, that should be reason enough for most people. If you need more, read on:

    2. Because of higher pre-trial expenses, longer trials, extra expenses associated with prosecuting a DP case, and the appeals process (which is necessary - see reason #1), it costs taxpayers MUCH more to execute prisoners than to imprison them for life.

    3. The deterrent effect is questionable at best. Violent crime rates are actually higher in death penalty jurisdictions. This may seem counterintuitive, and there are many theories about why this is (Ted Bundy saw it as a challenge, so he chose Florida – the most active execution state at the time – to carry out his final murder spree). Personally, I think it has to do with the hypocrisy of taking a stand against murder…by killing people. The government becomes the bad parent who says, ‘do as I say, not as I do.’

    4. There’s also an argument to be made that death is too good for the worst of our criminals. Let them wake up and go to bed every day of their lives in a prison cell, and think about the freedom they DON’T have, until they rot of old age. When Ted Bundy was finally arrested in 1978, he told the police officer, “I wish you had killed me.”  Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (the architect of the 9/11 attacks) would love nothing better than to be put to death.  In his words, "I have been looking to be a martyr [for a] long time."

    5. Most governments are supposed to be secular, but for those who invoke Christian law in this debate, you can find arguments both for AND against the death penalty in the Bible. For example, Matthew 5:38-39 insists that violence shall not beget violence. James 4:12 says that God is the only one who can take a life in the name of justice. Leviticus 19:18 warns against vengeance (which, really, is what the death penalty amounts to). In John 8:7, Jesus himself says, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

  10. for. if you commit the crime you have to deal with the punishment handed down. there is no one to blame but yourself

  11. With one reservation, For.

    The death penalty is undoable.  We have to be as sure as we can be.  

    That much said, we would probably save a lot of lives and heartache if would be killers, rapists, kidnappers, etc if we executed a fair number of hardened criminals.  .

  12. FOR

  13. i am completly against the death penalty

    living in britian, i dont have to fear being framed for a crime i didnt commit and being executed for it

    lets face it, if a man is locked up for 30 years, and you find out he didnt actualy do it, you release him and compensate, you cannot however, bring him back from the dead

    yes, i know some crimes, such as rape,murder, paedophillia deserve to carry the death penalty, killing these people is doing no one good, lock them up and let them suffer for the rest of the pathetic, meaningless lifes

  14. Against. Figure Civic Currency can stop possible deaths due to armed robbery plus if people wish to kill other people they can become either gladiators or form Human Hunting Parties by agreement.

    Even Holy Gladiator Tournaments for Islamic or Christian Holy Wars. Naive perhaps but better than what else could happen in Holy Wars.

    Christians do not seem so much into Holy Wars of late though. Figure if you wish to kill someone it is best you give the person a fighting chance.

  15. Against. Too many innocent people have been exonerated. How many more are there waiting to die for crimes they did not commit.

  16. I am for the death penalty.

    He that takes a life deliberately, forfeits his right to live.

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