
Are you in a relationship with someone who has ADD? please answer it!?

by  |  earlier

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I posted the same question but nobody answered it. so I'm going to repeat what I asked - the question is are you in a relationship with someone who has ADD? if so, is it really hard on your relationship? and how long are you in a relationship with a person who had ADD? if so, how do u do it without let the stress get you?

I just need to know so bad since my guy has ADD and it's so hard for me. I feel like I want to give up on him but I won't do that so I want to know how you did it instead of verbally attack on him/her.




  1. Okay  so I have been married to a guy with ADD for 31 years.  I have had two sons with him that both have ADD.  I do not have it.  I love him with every ounce of my being.  Now I am not saying that it has been easy but worth every minute.  He has given me the best life... stood beside me through lots of c**p.  I have just adjusted to the problems and with time and maturity,  it actually gets better.  My sons were hard but guess what they got better as they got older as well.  I find that men with ADD usually have much higher IQs than others and find ways to compensate for any problems eventually.  They are more creative and sensitive to others even though sometimes they have a hard time showing it.  My sons and hubby are doing quite well financially too.  As adults ADDs can usually find a niche and be quite successful.  

  2. wat can i say about it .......hmmmm......if u love dat guy alot more den ur death den u should continue wid him...........if u dont love him dat much den leave wil help u both........and when u do make sure dat u dont remove ur clothes until u feel like a s@x kitten.......and when doing just remember how much he loves you?

  3. I have ADD and am Married. I was recently put on medication and I think it has done wonders for our marriage. Before, I would start cleaning something and get distracted and forget what I was cleaning and leave a mess. Or start cooking a meal and burn it b/c I got distracted. Conversations were awful, I couldn't sit and listen to him talk, and I felt really bad about it, but I couldn't help it. I would talk and interrupt during movies, TV shows, etc. But Adderall has helped in a major, in fact I think my husband would hug my psychiatrist if he ever saw him!

  4. my current bf has add, hes been diagnosed but wont admit it. meaning he wont take medication. for the most part he is all over the place, indescisive, defiant, constantly coming up with huge ideas that have to chance of going anywhere.... hes very unrelaible as far as being on time goes.

    we have been together for almost 4 years now. at first i didnt think i could handle it, but the more time i spent with him all of his "quirks" became things that i admired. i realized that he was a free spirit, very independant and that nothing was going to stop him. i loved him enough to keep going. now i just stand back a little and watch all the crazy ideas he has come and go and all i can do is support the person he is.

    in other words, if you love the guy and you want to be with him.... you will realize his ways and become to appreciate them.

    hope i helped.

  5. yup, me too. my b/f has add. thankfully, he not only sees the need for meds but refuses to try the natural alternatives i've come up with. even his boss noticed a huge difference in him after he started back on meds.

    he can have a real temper if he doesn't take his meds in the a.m. and i'm not sure if that's from the add or issues he needs to work through.

    i do know that life without meds is pretty unbearable. our relationship probably would not have lasted all these years without it.

    don't verbally attack him though. google add and read as much as you can. it always helps to understand.

  6. My fiance doesn't have ADD but he does have Aspergers syndrome, which is similar to ADD in some ways, so I can understand your frustration. Aspergers is a form of autism, but at the opposite end of the down syndrome though. Some of the common traits of AS are behavourial problems, problems with social interaction, intense interest (tunnelled vision towards one, or a few subjects), speech/language problems among many others. Read more at links provided.

    While my fiance does only have fairly mild AS, I often get frustrated because he spends so much time in his area of speciality (computers) and it feels like he doesn't have time for me. It's not that he tries to be like that, but people with AS often get really absorbed in their interests and find it hard to "switch off" and concentrate on other things.

    At times I've felt like giving up on him, but know that he does love me, and I know I love him and we want to spend our lives together. I find the best way to deal with problems is to sit down and talk, when you're both calm, and sort it out. I also take some time out alone sometimes, go shopping, take the dog for a walk etc, when I'm frustrated and have a good think about things, reassess the situation with a clear head and come home and sort it out. It's not easy by any means, but well worth the effort you put in, and your boyfriend does appreciate you trying, even if he doesn't say so.

    We've been in a relationship nearly 3 years now, and engaged, hoping to get married next year, no date set yet though. :)

    Good luck, and hope you can sort something out!!

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