
Are you in favor of USA offshore drilling?

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Assuming it would bring the price of gas down by 2020 or so? Why do you think the USA should allow drilling off Alaska, Californea, Florida, and a handful of other states?




  1. Yes!! Our economy is failing...we need help somehow!  

  2. Yes, but only if an equal amount of resources (time and money) is put into alternative energy research.

    We don't need to be giving the oil barons a blank check.

  3. Absolutely yes.  Don't forget how far technology has improved since the 1960s.  We can make much better and safer oil wells now.  And we are going to be needing that oil for a while yet.  

  4. Absolutely. In favor for the other states for the same reason, we must stop our dependence on foreign oil.

  5. Yes, with the technology we today, and will have in 20 yrs, offshore drilling is safer and much more Eco friendly than it has been in the past. Not to mention there are other countries in international waters off our coast drilling for oil and they do not have the same strict regulations we have to abide by. They do not care what happens out there as it does not affect their country.  I would rather see us get the  the oil by drilling ourselves than get the oil from another county selling it back to us.

  6. Heard this on tv and forget who said it-- one of oldest negative expression in English Language is: Oil and water don't mix. If a states want to drill off their coast, then they should be permitted., as long as someone (other than taxpayers) are responsible for spill that might effect other states. Royalties should not be considered insurance payment, and bankruptcies an escape hatch. It seems like inefficient way to get energy, but if someone can safely do it and make a profit (if regulations stop options and future trading every time hurricane comes, then say let sates permit it in areas not designated as extra special to sea life. My guess few will try if hurricane bonus is removed.

  7. Yes, because it's our ******* oil!

  8. commitment of u.s companies to do a number of energy exploration projects,,,like wind,geothermal,,,,,,,using ocean currents,nukes( the french have been using nuclear power for years) ,and oil drilling,would help make a  short term difference in current oil prices(investors gamble that these efforts might likely be fruitful,and invest/gamble that they'll work) these projects oughta be careful and     minimally injurious to the environment .maybe 30 million computers could be put to research how to extract enrgy from banana peels ,empty beer cans,and coffee grounds,,,, like in back to the future as far as the pressure cooker molecular dissassembly power  plant for the de lorean that  michael j fox drove around in  

  9. Yes.  Gas is a renewable source.  Apparently synthetic oil is coming into play by the year 2015.  Woohoo.

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