
Are you in favor of free speech? Do you support the fairness doctrine?

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Are you in favor of free speech? Do you support the fairness doctrine?




  1. The fairness doctrine will bring journalism down to the lowest common denominator. Any fool with a mouth will get free time to spout his ignorance on every subject. All intelligent discourse will be nearly impossible to glean from the chaff. but it seems that is exactly what those who cannot compete intellectually want. But like the 2nd Amendment vote, even our liberal House and Senate are not ready to buck the people on free speech yet.

  2. Yes, I do. That's because I remember when it was still in place and we got more viewpoints and balanced news. Now, it's gotten to the point where well-financed and organized special interests groups have dominated the news outlets and all we get is what they want us to hear and believe. I really get tired of hearing one-sided, biased news stories. I want a return to more objective reporting and I would like to see a return to the great investigative reporters we had in the past.

  3. Free speech is one thing, the Fairness Doctrine is another.

    I am not in favor of the Fairness Doctrine because, it actually takes freedom away.

    Such as if there is a talk radio program or TV station that does commentary, or does a particular type of show, they would have to have someone on there that gives another point of view; their opinion.

    Which takes the freedom of choice of how you want your show to be.

    By it being called the Fairness Doctrine, it sounds good, but really isn't.

    Always be sure of what something is before voting for it, it might sound like what you would want, but in reality it isn't.

    Always check out what it really means, if you don't really know.

  4. Media now days is very diverse. Add to that blogging and other craps on internet. I don't see need to add weird media regulation that is just probably going to be just big pain. It will just lead to endless argument over how fairly fairness doctrine is applied to all gazillion TV networks. It will never work in today's media environment. Diverse media landscape and internet(blogging..etc) can serve as what they call fairness doctrine. I don't think we need to force it.

  5. I believe in free speech but not the fairness doctrine.  I do believe that the news should be unbiased.  "News shows" like O'Rielly or Olbermann should be able to slant their shows any way they want.  It would be nice if they just admitted it instead of all of them claiming to be unbiased.

  6. Free speech , yes. The fairness doctrine is anything but fair . No , I don't support the doctrine .It reminds me of the Wicked Witches cottage made of candy in Hansel & Gretal..It's NOT what it sounds like .

  7. Fairness doctrine is a joke and the only way liberals can silence talk radio.

  8. yes

  9. I support free speech, and as a consequence of that I am strongly against the fairness doctrine which tries to control speech such that it is no longer free.

    In a similiar vane, I am strongly opposed to the McCain-Feingold law which also regulates the ability of grass-root organizations from pooling their money to buy "election-affecting" ads from major media organizations. What good is free speech if the gov't can regulate your ability to say things in a way that lets an audience hear you?

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