
Are you in favor of off-shore drilling in protected areas of Alaska? Why or why not?

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I'm not. I think the way of the future is getting off oil completely and finding green, innovative solutions here in the US instead of overseas.




  1. Back when the OCS was made off limits it was because environmentalists made everyone afraid that a hurricane in the Gulf would wipe them out and create a huge spill. Well, guess what? They have had numerous hurricanes go through there over the last several years and the oil rigs came through okay. So they now have a proven safety record. Each state should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they want to drill off their coast or not.

    As far as ANWR the section they want to drill in is only a small portion of it and it is not the beautiful terrain being shown in the anti-ANWR propaganda. The U.S. bought Alaska for it's natural resources now they want to ignore it? Why should we have the Feds telling us we can't touch our own oil? Plus a large percentage of Alaskans (like me) are all for it too.

  2. I think that before any more land is made available to oil companies for drilling they should first start on the over 60,000,000 acres of oil bearing land in Alaska and offshore that we've already authorized them to use.

  3. I am not as those areas were set aside to be protected. Plus drilling for more oil does not do anything to lessen our dependence on it, especially since we export most of the oil we produce here. We should be looking for new alternatives to oil, not producing more.

  4. In Alaska the drilling is not "offshore". its an area of about 2000 acres in a preserve the size of New jersey. so yes I am for drilling there and in any other place we can to gain energy Independence.

  5. We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife are just fine with the pipeline. We simply do not have enough oil here to satisfy the needs and wants of the USA. Gas today in Palmer, Ak was $4.45 and diesel was $5.45.

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