
Are you in favor of the Employee Free Choice Act ?

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  1. For those who may not know, the Employee Free Choice Act is a bill that would make it easier for employees of places like Wal-Mart to organize and form a labor union.

    Yes I am in favor of the EFCA ! As a child of retired ex blue collar workers, I witnessed first hand how good unionized jobs can impact one's life. My mom retired from Philip Morris and dad retired from General Electric. While they didn't earn a massive amount of money working hourly wage jobs, my parents were able to buy a home, make some small investments and send their children to college.

    The unions that represented them helped in securing better pay, health care and retirement benefits. As a result of being in unionized jobs, my parents were able to look forward to annual pay raises, better working conditions, safer working conditions and a secure feature for their golden years.

    The sad state of hourly employees today is the fact that company sponsored retirement plans are all but gone and replacing them are 401k plans and most folks today can't invest in their 401k plan for their future simply because just day to day survival has become paramount for most. Health care for most Americans is barely attainable due to high costs. Many Americans forgo seeing a physician simply because they cannot afford to.

  2. As long as an employee has the option to NOT join a union, ok with me.  Forcing a person to join or support a union is as wrong as requiring a person to join one.

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