
Are you in some kind of feud or battle right now?

by  |  earlier

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If so, what's happening? How long has it been going on? Are you winning the battle?Are you fighting dirty or politically correct?




  1. yes Iam fighting with The Brick which is a furniture store.we got a couch and love seat deliveried from them,and they scrapped the couch on the door way ripping the leather.the delivery people said call them and get 20 bucks off.we then realized after they leftthat they but the door nop right thru the wall and the door wont close or lock properly.they came back over to see the damage.but they dont see how they did it.we just painted a few months ago so the wall was perfect. ugh!!!! they now want us to video tape the damages and show the manager it.why cant he look for him self.

  2. head says to get another beer, my liver says that would be like a nuclear holocaust. I think my head's gonna win.

  3. I think everyone is. The economy, the cost of living and the moral breakdown of society is totally changing the world and there are so very few that see it and can do nothing about it. Most people go with the flow and don,t want to become involved. I truly see a disasterous future coming, and I think there is already a battle being fought between good and evil. I know that good will win out in the end, but so many people are going to suffer majorly in the meantime. I,m not prophesizing but somehow it just doesn,t seem safe or healthy anymore. I get a weird feeling that something is going to come to pass soon and truthfully it is scaring the c**p out of me. I will be laughed at for saying this but I am just sharing what I feel.

  4. Nope,  I don't like drama.  I know some disagreements are unavoidable, but I tend not to get in major feuds or battles if I can help it.

  5. well...yeah. im in a huge family feud with my future in-laws. my boyfriend's family and mine do not get along at all. this has been going on for a little over 2 years. I am soooooo losing the battle because the more our families fight, the harder it is for my boyfriend and i to spend time together. i'm fighting politically correct by saying nothing to anyone. i am trying to stay out of confrontations for my boyfriend's sake. it sucks though...why cant we all just get along!?!?!?! lol.

    the rest of my feuds are too...personal. so yeah. lol.

  6. By the grace of god and a four car garage, no battles at the moment... largest battles where i live are generally over the parking spaces in front of your house....

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