
Are you in the need for a few more points?

by  |  earlier

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RANT contest! Rant about whatever makes you angry. I also have a joke contest for those good old comedians. I held the contest before, but I only got two answers so this one needs a few more results. So, rant about your woes or joke about your... something that ends in oes!




  1. some people are just so easy its like bloody h**l like they go on about having a boyfriends and its like yeh its because your easy and like anything that goes mate

    and then theres like a really nice guy you like and then he gets drunk and goes and pulls some other girls who is the biggest annoying 5 letter word ever and your devooed and like crying

    and then your easy mates just like yeh i have a bf but omg hes dumped me now and omg i have a new bf but now hes dumped me....

    welll jesus mary and joseph just go out with the next nerdy geek that asks you out like you always do

    why can't you wait for a nice guy but then again you'll end up like me who does and then kazaam hes snogs some wirdo

    and also theres people that try to one up you all the time

    "iv got a new coat"

    "iv got a new chanel coat"

    its just like shut the gordon bennet up you wally

  2. OKay I will rant! why are people stupid? and why are those people aloud to drive, talk on cell phones and bag our groceries! I am in a grocery store, i bought 15 things..the girl standing at the end of the line looked at me and said, "um like do you need a bag?" um ya think princess? i mean really, no i want to carry all of my items one at a time to my car...come back and slap your mother for reproducing!

    UGH! really? I mean come on! what the heck happned to common sence!  

  3. i can't stand the girls on here that are like am i pregnant? lets see i did it with three guys, they didn't wear a condom and i'm not on birth control, could i be pregnant? oh and i'm 6 days late. COME ON!! get a brain and grown up they r such freakin s***s! and then they say don't judge me, that line really makes me laugh.

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