
Are you interested in learning Remote Viewing?

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If you are....please watch this video. It's 100 min. long...but you can watch a little at a time. It's by Paul Smith,Remote Viewer who posts on here as Rviewer. It's really interesting. Hope you'll listen to it and give your opinion of it and of remote viewing.




  1. Is this an ad?

  2. Just to correct you Deenie: you do NOT need a teacher to teach you Remote Viewing. Just study the manual at and practice practice practice. Of course training courses such as those offered by Paul Smith will be highly worthwhile for many but they are NOT essential. An open mind, a degree of intelligence and perseverance in the face of those who tell you it cannot be done is all that you need.

    Come on over to for free advice and a whole load of online Remote Viewing tools. Same goes to anyone interested in the topic.

    EDIT: Closed or opened. Matters not. You CAN'T teach stuff like this to people who refuse to acknowledge that the human mind is capable of more than we've been 'told' it is. So yes, to some it is unteachable. Their loss. As you were, skeptics. Go do your thing...(yawn).

  3. Yes, and thinks, I think I have a handle on it... ;)

  4. I'm interested, and reading through manuals as I get the chance. Personally, I don't trust paid programs, since if it doesn't work I don't have a guarantee of funds recovery. Free is much better, but even giving service or money after the fact seems like a much more sensible way to pay for something like that.

    Dowsing works by using the human body as a sensing element. I believe that it's nothing more than EMF sensitivity.

    EDIT: Also, for those who want the direct video on Google:

    Much easier to download and watch, less buffering on slower connections.

  5. I'd be interested in watching it but watching long videos on my computer is a bit tedious. Yeah that would be a hoot if Deenie could master this skill. Then finally her condescension towards skeptics would be justified!  :)

  6. Maybe you should learn to do it Deenie, then you could spy on the skeptics and greatly impress us with your skills.

    Wouldn't TR be surprised if you could describe accurately what his/her house was like and what he/she was wearing? Lol.

  7. The is a reason many are skeptical concerning things like remote viewing (a fancy term for clairvoyance) and that is: It doesn’t work any better than educated guessing.

    We watch the remote viewer sketch a variety of pretty generic, but common, shapes (circles, squares… basic stuff) then listen to their even more generous explanations (justifications) when “fitting” these drawings to the “target”.

    The errors in reasoning here include confirmation bias, after-the-fact reasoning, false dichotomy and quite a bit of imagination for their justification.

    What has always surprised me in these posts is that believers seem to think that skeptics don’t want such powers to be possible. This isn’t necessarily true; I would think any of the paranormal abilities would be cool. And yes, I admit scientists don’t know everything about what our minds can/can’t do; but the error here (false dichotomy) is thinking that since they don’t know any crazy claim must be true.

    Scientists at least are honest enough to admit they don’t know, and they don’t go making unsupported claims nor justifying failures (see first reference)

  8. Hi Deenie, you cannot learn of that which is not teachable.

    EDIT: Closed or opened. Matters not. It still does not make remote veiwing any more likely than I am to ride a Unicorn to work (which I don't in case you were wondering, I ride a dragon!!).

    EDIT: marv_darley - just because you have the best garden in the street does not mean that there are fairies at bottom of it!

  9. Goodness no! I would feel like a peeping Tom!  

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