
Are you interested in what Prince Harry is doing?

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Prince Harry (one of Lady Di's sons) has been in the headlines being proclaimed as a national hero (United Kingdom - England) for serving approx 6 weeks (maybe a little longer) as a forward air traffic controller. Do you think that he deserves headlines and is he a hero?




  1. I personally don't care, but I do think what he's doing is great.  Anyone willing to fight for his/her country should be respected and commended.

  2. Give Harry a break! He's done something that most of us would not do willingly. And, I hope people will start being kinder to him.

    best of luck to you!

  3. Leave him alone to do his thing and don't take any notice of what is said in the gutter press and the more respected newspapers that seem to be sinking to their level.I don't think for one moment that the prince enjoys this any more than you do.

  4. No

    -SS (-:Smiling Star-:)

  5. all solders do. he is the same as any one and it seems he feels the same way.

  6. I like to hear about the younger of the two, he's a cutie. Yes, Harry that's him. Imagine that a cute ginger... Lol! Honestly I think he wants to be a hero, but he can't really because they have to keep him so protected. Who knows really. Who CARES, I agree with you. lol

  7. Not the slightest bit interested... infact i'm getting sick of seeing his face on every newspaper i walk past. He is neither a soldier nor a hero....

  8. Get a life.............

  9. I don't know if hes a hero, but i am interested in what hes doing, he was there 10 weeks, and would of been longer if it hadn't gotten out in the news, even if well protected being in Afghanistan is being in harms way for anyone, he says he wants to be like everyone else, not easy i imagine being royalty.

  10. Just beause he's "royalty" means nothing. He just a normal guy, it actually annoys the sh*t out of me, i dont want to get up in the morning to him on page three, a want to see some titties! if ye want heros check people who are there months at a time, constantly putting there lives in danger.

  11. I just saw it once on the news and that's it... i'm not going to start buying exclusive magazines of him dressed up as a soldier and pretending to be a hero when it's all just for the camera's.

    There are/were hundreds of soldiers who have been in the war and i'm not really concerned about them so just because harry is a prince playing dress up doesn't mean i'm going to take interest in what he does. I have a life...

  12. Since it's a tradition for royalty to serve in the military, he did his 6 weeks to have it on his resume. A hero puts his life in danger to save another life. I personally don't know if he risked his life in those 6 weeks and is now lucky to be alive. I still remember the images of him drinking and partying moreso than of the 6 weeks of whatever it is he actually did in uniform, but good for him if he is growing up even if it's not by choice. I'm more interested in what Prince William does since he's next in line, and Harry is just a wanna be doing things as if he's next in line :)

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