
Are you into alternative/natural Health?

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Why or why not?




  1. I've tried it but it failed so I had to go with conventional medicine.  

  2. Natural remedies have been around a lot longer that all the chemicals you get from the G.P., however on a recent visit my G.P. told me that one of the tablets I was taking was actually based on a herbal remedy.

    I prefer something that is natural like local honey for hay fever, honey and lemon in hot water for my cold etc.

  3. I am, the conventional doctors pretty much gave up on me (chemically intolerant so could not take any drugs, so they are pretty much taught any illness give a drug and when they did not have that option they gave up (though I have fired a few along the way)

    I went back to school to learn for myself Heilkunst type homeopathy, German New Medicine, Reiki, Robin Murphy's homeopathic course, Australian Bush Flower Essences workshops and correspondence course including going to Australia for an advanced course and this latter one has given me the best health so far.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  4. Yes, I am, mainly because conventional medicine didn't work well for me.

    After being tired for one year, and being continually being prescribed medication for dust allergies, excema, sinus infections, yeast infections, acid reflux, and other symptoms I'm probably forgetting I consulted a naturopath.   My conventional doctor would tell me that he could see I wasn't well, but since all my blood work was normal, there wasn't anything more he could do for me.

    The naturopath prescribed herbal and homeopathic remedies which worked incredebly well and without side affects like drugs.  I could see results in two weeks generally.

    Nine months later, I am still recovering my energy, but I feel much better.  I no longer take medication except for a nasal spray occasionally. My dust allergies and sinus problems I suffered for seven years?  Gone after one week of not eating any dairy or wheat.

    Unless it's an emergency I consult with my naturopath first.  

  5. Yes!!

    Because it feels so much better on my body. And alot of chemicals come from natural sources, so I think its best to go to the source.

  6. I definitely am - although I would never discount conventional out of hand. My husband particularly is into it and researches endlessly when he is looking for a solution to somthing. I believe that there are a lot of common conditions that could be helped or even cured by being healthy - eating organic and taking supplements (I think that the food we eat is nto as nutritious as it used to be due to farming methods and over farming of the land). It is a shame that the FDA does not recognise alternative treatments and the practitioners who sell it are not even allowed to say it will help prevent a disease and have to state this on the packet.

    Way too much money is going into finding a cure for disease (which iis great of course) but it seems that little is going into prevention which wouldbe even better. But where is the money for the Pharmaceutical companies if there was a relatively cheap preventative alternative therapy for somethign like arthritis when there are millions to be made from treating its symptoms? It is a difficult world we live in bu made easier by the information age inwhich we live. You can research more for yourself if you are careful.

  7. Yes i am mate. Why?? Because after being misdiagnosed and overdosed with toxic levels of antipsychotics and walking around like a zombie for nearly 6 years of my life i decided enough was enough and that i was going to inform myself and take responsibility for my own health....  i knew i wasn't mentally challenged.... 2 years later and i now know that i'm severely intolerant to wheat, lactose, soy, processed sugar and a plethora of "chemicals" they use to "preserve" our foods with ..........  it's positively criminal that the "system" can disregard people's health and well being with such blatant disregard but it is my body and it is ultimately in my hands..... i've never felt better in my life buddy.... and i'm 44 .... i have 3 young children and i positively have the energy to race them each and every time they dare me.... fresh vital healthy foods that don't come out of a package and natural remedies saved my sorry little butt.... that's why.

    peace baby


  8. I am very much into it as I have been a practitioner of various Alternative Health Methods for over 20 years.

    Why? Because I see the results I get every day. I see the results that the people I teach get every day. I hear feedback from my patients and am amazed at what alternative methods can do.

    I wouldn't want to do anything else, and if I ever need some help myself, I choose my own methods, of course.

    There are however cases when conventional medicine is needed. I wouldn't be able to do anything myself if i developed appendicitis f. ex.

    We need to be aware of when to use conventional medicine and when to stick to our methods. It's sensible and logical. Being a fanatic of one or the other is not a good solution.

    All the best to you and thanks for asking the question!

  9. I am but wouldn't call it alternative, I'd say complimentary.. Why? because it works and if you look at the side effects in the traditional medicine pretty much self exploratory

  10. I'm somewhat into alternative/natural health.  I say somewhat because I take a few prescription meds and I can't just go full steam into the world of alt/natural health.  I was hardcore alt health in highschool & early college.  The reason I am into alt health is that it enhances my diet; it fills in the nutritional gaps caused by my unbalanced diet.

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