
Are you just a believer or a follower?

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l ask this question because a lot of believers believe by us just believing, that is all we need to do and still make it to heaven. l have read and studied the bible ten times in the last eleven years because l know when l read it, God talks to me and he teaches me a lot. l believe we all have a part to do as fellow believers and just believing is not it. Jesus told the disciples Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

and he also said, Matthew 10:38

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

How many people in the church are actually following after Christ? When l would talk to people in the church about going out to the streets to minister to the lost, they had all kind of excuses why they couldnt do it. one night our church was going down to Kentucky to feed the homeless and my girlfriend and l were suppose to went to the movies that night. well instead of going to the movies, l told her l was going out to the homeless shelter and help feed the homeless. she was very upset because she really wanted to see the movie. l told her, the movie will be here tomorrow but what the church did was only happening once a month. Now l can understand if lm working, if the kids are sick to where l cant get out, but if the opportunity to go out and help those in need is there, I'm taking it. so my question, are you the guy that came to Jesus saying 17And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? 19Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.

20And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

21Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

How many believers are really out here following after Christ? or how many believers just believe?




  1. There are more options than this I assure you.

  2. We are to judge righteously against sin. Not how well one believes or follows. For that is between God and the person. God presses on the hearts of men what to do. Our greatest testimony for God to others is how we live. Not how many souls we save or how big our church is, or how many people we feed. God calls each to his own good works. As long as one is doing for Christ, he is glorified.

  3. Both I am. One I was as like a child came to him believing and know he is the way the truth and the Light. Second I was thrown back into dippers not real one but spiritual ones, and slowly followed in his Word and grew up, then he showed me how to walk(my church) and follow his ways. The Bible is our gift of many things the best way to describe it is B=Basic I=Instructions B=Before L=Leaving E=Earth... Bible

    613 Laws in Gen.-Num. some (not many )were needed in those days. But lets dissect commandment (yes the big ten is some of them) 248 are Positive ones, as like the same number of Bones in your Body, and 365 are negative(shall not) are like the same number of tendons in your body as well(they pull negatively on your body) . also 365(again,LOl) the Bible says (from front to Rev.) Fear Not 365 times, as like the same numbers of days (non leap years,lol) 2 Tim 1:7 the :Lord has not given us the spirit of fear ,But of Love Power and a sound mind. IN VERSE 21 when Jesus ask me , I said yes, and still today he will call on me at a sec notice to do something and I will go.I live for him not my flesh, or desires of the world, the world laughs at me, as like they did at him, so I stand above and smile knowing where I stand in the end days, with Jesus to the right hand of God. Mathew 24-25 He is coming more sooner then people give us (Christians) credit for.

  4. I'm a Deist and believe the consciousness of the entire universe is God. I do not need Jesus. I have read the Bible and do not believe it. I also read the Gnostic Gospels and found spiritual inspiration telling me that I am my own Messiah. I don't believe in the Gnostic Gospels either though. Everyone has to learn to think for themselves and find their own path through life.

    Deist with a B.A. Degree in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  5. I am both a believer and a follower.

    Being a follower is the key, the difference. Satan and his demons are believers... they know Jesus is real and who he is, but they do not follow him.

    To have abundant and eternal life in Christ, we have to follow Him.

  6. I do both, to the best of my ability.

  7. I'm both. If Christians are not then they are not worthy of Jesus Christ just as Matthew says.

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