
Are you just as surprised?

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that Democrats are anti-woman. Lets look at the facts. Hillary has much more experience than Obama, but they went with the male. McCain picks Sarah Palin as VP and the left has nothing but negative hate speech for the woman. I have to say, I am shocked.




  1. Palin represents that a woman can have it all as dem women have always said they stood for. She is a mother of 5 who became a mayor of a city and then a governor of Alaska. Now she is McCain's running mate. Bravo!

  2. The woman has been Gov of an oil state for 2 years....    What else does he have for "experience"    

    What is her foreign  credentials?

  3. I'm not surprised at anything the democratic machine will do. Already there is so much misinformation going out even over this system, as people don't search for the truth, but accept any thing that looks juicy.I am happy for the choice made this time. I would have voted for geraldine Ferraro in the past, so I can accept a woman in politics.I can accept a black, half black, or moderately black man as president, but I can't accept the ones being ran by the dem's.

  4. Well, good lord, I'd be anti-woman too if I had an example like Nancy Pelosi in my party.  I think a real woman needs to take her outback and teach her a lesson!

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