
Are you kidding me, I need to know if its spotting or period?

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I asked: "Period or Spotting?" The question I want to know is, and pay attention, I'm not sure if its just a really light period or if I'm spotting. If I take a pregnancy test will it say positive because I'm on my period?

Yes I know you aren't suppose to test the blood. I know urine and blood come from different holes. I know if I'm on my period I'm not pregnant.... BUUT If its not my period it may be spotting. And if you're on your period the hormones may read wrong for a pregnancy test.

Don't answer this unless you understand what I'm talking about. I'm not stupid.




  1. a really light period could be spotting. yes you could get your period and a light one at that if your in your early pregnancy.i had three periods with my first. if it is light period then it can go onto your panties but not heavy normally spotting is just that a drop or when you wipe there is some blood. when you stop bleeding then test so you know that it is acurate.

  2. Your period or spotting will not affect a positive or negative result. A pregnancy test is only looking for the pregnancy hormone which is completely different than any hormones you have when you're on your period or any other time.  

  3. it may be implantation bleeding-spotting that occurs 4-10 days after conceiving due to the zygote making itself a home on the wall of the uterus. If you were to be pregnant, it would take about 2-4 more days, for it to build up in your urine, at the earliest to get a positive result.

    good luck!


  5. not to be rude but if our answers arent good enough for you get your lazy behind up and go to the doctor

  6. Oh..i was wondering the same thing. but if the hcg hormone is present, it will say positive even though you are bleeding. crazy aint it?

  7. Actually, bleeding won't affect the results. If you want to make sure that no blood is in it for whatever reason, wear a tampon while you pee on the stick. If you have a positive test, you're pregnant. If your period gets heavier, if you experience cramps, or it doesn't go away in a day or two, take another test (as this could have been a chemical pregnancy). Make an appt w/ your ob/gyn asap.

  8. its your viagina need to be poke  

  9. No if you are on your period and not pregnant you will get a negative test because there is no HcG(peptide hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the embryo soon after conception)in your urine.30 % of pregnant women still have their period when they are pregnant, so you cant rule that out.

  10. U could still be pregnant it could be the egg implanting itself, Go to ur doctor.

  11. No, it wouldn't matter if you're on your period.  Pregnancy tests test for a hormone that's only found in your urine if you're pregnant.

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