
Are you kidding me??

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One of the longest running and most trusted atmospheric CO2 monitoring stations is located on the largest (and one of the most active) volcanoes in the world!

Any wonder CO2 levels measured today are higher than the ones found in ice core samples??

Give me a break!




  1. inflation will force consumers to conserve energy

  2. There ya go... this proves it...

    Global Warming is a farce

    The only thing hot around here is me

  3. That would be skew with a capital S.

  4. Why should that surprise anyone who still has two functioning braincells?

  5. CO2 levels are measured higher everywhere they are measured. Are you for real? I think the bell is ringing, go back to class.

  6. another view

  7. Volcano's have been a hobby of mine for ~20 years and "Gunny Ts" comment on an increase in volcanic activity since the mid-1700s is utter fiction

    The largest volcano in recorded human history was Tambora (1815) it expelled ~160km³ of material

    Within the the several hundred thousand years 'gunny' mentions, there have been several super eruptions in Japan, New Zealand 26,500 years ago (1,170 km³) and Indonesia .

    An Italian one only 12000 years ago had twice the mass of Tambora 300km³ and this is small, the Indonesian "lake toba" ejected (2,800 km³) 75,000 years ago almost 20 times the power of Tambora. On the scale of the last 200,000 years it has been very quite since the 1700s.

    And on Volcanic Co2 contributions as I and others have stated many times Volcanic Co2 is ~200-240 million tons and human Co2 is ~27 Billion tons per year.

  8. WTH? Wow.... And volcanos really do create a lot of CO2, much more than the entire human race. Thats kinda crazy.

  9. Global volcanic activity since the mid 1700's is the highest in hundreds of thousands of years,  a good reason why the C02 content is higher than previous ice core samples... Maddie is right, but don't tell Mr Gore.... he wants everyone to run screaming to their voting booths to bring on more government controls to reverse the (volcanic) natural climate change.

    There is a natural cyclic atmospheric Co2 increase due to (Malkovich) solar cycles, plus the natural atmospheric Co2 exchange due to photosynthesis (natural plant biology). These cycles occur on about 120,000 year intervals according to Vostok Antarctic ice core studies (see the graphs). Man’s contribution to the (new) atmospheric Co2 increase has been estimated at less than 5%.  If you do the math, a world wide reduction of fossil fuel use of 10 % would do absolutely nothing to ward off the natural warming cycle, and plunge the world economy into absolute chaos, causing mass starvation and civil unrest. Who wants to be the first to push THAT button? (Gore, it would seem). The liberals just want an excuse to raise taxes and legislate more control over peoples lives.   Beware of those media hyped videos of industrial stacks exhausting massive plumes of water vapor.... it is the fanatic environmentalist  trademark...and harmless.

  10. If you had bothered to look a little further at the first link 'you' posted you would have found the answer in the FAQ.

  11. NO

    Although when CO2 levels begin to fall because of cooling oceans - You can depend on Alarmists suppressing the data from Mauna Loa.

  12. Well, you got to come up with the numbers somehow, and who cares if they are accuret?  Its the thought that counts isn't?
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