
Are you kind to all people (no matter the race, gender, size, height, ect)?

by  |  earlier

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Are you kind to people without expecting anything in return. You don't see this too often, and if you are kind like this, then you truly are a wise person with a good heart.

Reason for asking: The world is cruel, I would like to see people who aren't.




  1. Yes i try to be

    but i don't let people use me though

  2. heck yes....thats my outlook on life.

  3. I am unless they are mean to me or i think they are really really uneducated then i have a problem with me

    but i don't be mean to someone just because of race, gender, size, or height

  4. I'm nice to anyone who's nice to me,I don't care what color you are.There is cruelty in every race.

  5. i try to be nice to everybody until i see that a person doesnt deserve it. its a trait that has caused me problems and at times i wish i were a little more 'closed-minded' but i dont see it changing anytime in the near future.

  6. Yes, it's a personal policy of mine. Very rarely does it get rebuffed.

  7. yes. its their personality that makes me treat them differently.

  8. i try...does that counts?...i hate when people talks to me in a "meany spoiled princess way" so i react very rude to them with sarcasm...

  9. I give kindness to all those who reciprocate.

  10. yes..i will smile..stop to talk or shake hands with anybody...i respect any age or color or nationality...i dispise people that pick on the ugly/short/fat/or what who the h**l made them better..the problem with some people is all they see is the outside of others and dont care to take the time to find out what other races are all about..i like talking with people of various nationalities to find out about their culters..mankind isnt all that cruel...there are still allot of great humans on this planet

  11. Honey, I don't want to be the first to tell you but here goes, Everyone at some point in there life is mean to someone for one reason to another, it's just part of being human, just because someone say's or does something that isn't nice, doesn't mean that they are a bad person. I try to treat everyone equally and not be mean to anyone, but like i said we all do it at some point.

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