
Are you left-handed or right-handed?

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Are you left-handed or right-handed?




  1. right

  2. left

  3. Both  

    i write right handed   and throw right handed

    and hit base ball   golf    etc  left handed

  4. Lefty. =]

  5. Riiiiight. :)

  6. I am right handed

  7. Right all the way left is justhollding someting and i use bot for driving.

  8. rite

  9. I'm a lefty...the only one in my family...

    not to many of kind of bugs me how

    desks have arm rest for the right hand...always...

    plus is impossible to write with some pens because of


  10. ima lefty :D

    but im slightly ambidextrious.

  11. Right. Always have been and always will be.

  12. Right handed but I sometimes give left handed compliments. LOL

  13. Right.

  14. Flawed poll, where is the ambidexterous option?

  15. Depends on the situation.  Primarily write with my left hand but can also write with my right.  Do most sports things better with the right hand.  Throw with right catch with left.  But that was mostly because all my coaches and everyone in my family is right handed so they had to teach me how to do things with my right.  Soccer is different though, pretty equal footed except for punting and then I only know how to with my right foot.  But I can throw the ball out of goal with either hand.  I eat with both hands, just depends on my mood and where I'm sitting.  I can draw and paint with both hands.

    So it really depends on the situation but most would say that I'm left hand dominate.

  16. I'm right handed, but i eat left handed :/

    Quite annoying when my knife and fork are the wrong way round =P

  17. I am right handed, yet I play soccer better with my left foot, play piano better with my left hand, and my stronger stroke in swimming is my left arm.

    It is odd.

    But I like it.

  18. left-handed

  19. im a right-handed person

  20. Right handed   :)

  21. Right. (I'm never wrong!) ;)

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