
Are you light aircraft mechanic in australia?

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actually I work as light aircraft mechanic in Malaysia. i am searching for new job in friend had been there for pilot license and he told me that if i had a opportunity working in Australia, i will get a great experience and more salary base on my experience working in Malaysia. and of course i like bike =)




  1. There are aviation companies in Brisbane. Nearby in Ipswich there is Amberly RAF base and they are always looking for LAME.

    RAAF Base Amberley

    Units operating out of RAAF Base Amberley


    Combat Support Group. HQCSG commands 322 Combat Support Wing (at Tindal), 396 Combat Support Wing (at Darwin), 395 Expeditionary Combat Support Wing (at Townsville), and Airfield Defence Wing (at Amberley). The Group command deployed combat support operations and provides support coordination.


    82 Wing. 82WG is the headquarters for the two F-111 squadrons, No 1 and 6 Squadrons. 82WG is part of the Air Combat Group at RAAF Base Williamtown. The F-111 provides a precision land strike and maritime strike capability to the ADF.

    44 Wing. 44WG Air Traffic Control Detachment Amberley is responsible for the delivery of air traffic control services at Amberley.

    78 Wing - 78WG Technical Training Flight supports 82WG in the provision of technical training for the F-111 maintenance personnel.

    Airfield Defence Wing. AFDW commands No 2 and 3 Airfield Defence Squadron (at Amberley) and No 1 Airfield Defence Squadron (at Edinburgh). The role of these units is to provide the protection for installations and personnel against enemy ground forces, dissidents and terrorists. No 3 Airfield Defence Squadron personnel are primarily RAAF Reserve.

    Health Services Wing. HSW is an element of CSG and consists of No 1 Air Transportable Health Squadron (1ATHS) at Amberley, 2ATHS at Williamtown and No 3 Combat Hospital at Richmond. HSW coordinates all RAAF operational health commitments and manages all sponsorship of Health Services Personnel.


    1 Squadron. 1SQN develop and maintain the capability to conduct strike operations and maintain a strategic and tactical reconnaissance capability.

    6 Squadron. 6 SQN is responsible for conversion training of pilots and navigators onto the F-111 aircraft type and subsequent advanced training within its operations flight prior to being posted to 1 SQN for operational duties..

    23 Squadron (Reserve.) 23 SQN is the local reserve squadron and supplements permanent air force units as required with appropriately trained and qualified personnel to meet objectives.

    36 Squadron. 36SQN operates the C-17 heavy transport.

    38 Squadron. 38 SQN operates the Caribou light tactical transport aircraft. Its primary role is the provision of tactical airlift of troops and equipment, primarily for the Army.

    382 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron. 382ECSS provides many of the base services at Amberley and in contingency rapidly deploys a mission-tailored tactical unit to forward locations to secure the airfield and enable sustainment of air operations.

    1 Air Transportable Health Squadron.1ATHS provides medical, dental, pharmaceutical and environmental health services to personnel based at Amberley. The squadron can deploy forward and provide sustained medical treatment to deployed units.

    1 Air Terminal Squadron - Detachment Amberley. 1ATS DET-AMB provides air terminal support at Amberley and deployed air terminal support as required.

    2 Airfield Defence Squadron. 2AFDS is a rapidly deployable tactical unit which enables the RAAF to meet its single, joint or combined service commitments for ground defence, protection and security of installations, and early warning and reaction forces.

    RAAF Security and Fire School. RAAFSFS provides basic and advanced training to RAAF Security Police, ADF Military Working Dog Handlers, RAAF Ground Defence and ADF Fire Services personnel.

    Corporate Support and Infrastructure Group - Amberley. CSI-AMB is responsible for the delivery of garrison services, information systems and infrastructure at Amberley. Uniformed personnel from No 382 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron are embedded in this service provider group for continuity of training.

    Combat Support Unit - Amberley. CSU-AMB coordinates and manages base-wide support activities, primarily to enable air operations at Amberley.

    Joint Logistics Unit (South Queensland) - Amberley. JLU (SQ)-AMB is part of the Defence Materiel Organisation and is responsible for stock control, inventory and warehousing at Amberley. Uniformed personnel from No 382 Expeditionary Combat Support Squadron are embedded in this service provider group for continuity training.

    Strike Reconnaissance Systems Program Office. SRSPO is responsible for management of acquisitions and through-life support of the F-111 Weapons System. SRSPO provides corporate governance of the business units operating at Amberley and is responsible for the provision of logistics support for the F-111 Weapons System.

    Management Services Agency - Amberley. MSA-AMB provides specialist management consultancy services to assist air force commanders to lead change and improve organisational performance.

    Defence and Non Defence Civilian Organisations

    Defence Community Organisation

    Defence Housing Authority

    Frontline Canteen Services


    Resolve FM




    Rosebank Engineering


    Tasman Aviation


    Ball Aerospace

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