
Are you like me in Enjoying seeing UK House Prices come down? Houseowners need not comment.?

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I dont want to hear that it will impact on the ecomony and then so me. bla bla bla. I just want to know if you would like the house prices to come way down. (like me).

Houseowners need not comment.




  1. Yep so i can expand my portfolio even further, just waiting for it all to go banana shaped then i go in for the kill!!....

  2. Houses are overvalued and are predicted to crash up to 70%.

  3. I'm afraid you can't restrict the answers.  

    I am a homeowner, but not too bothered about the crash - such as it is - as we're not intending to sell for several years by which time prices will have crept up again.  However, I agree that house prices are completely bonkers these days.  I bought a studio flat in London for £66k in 1997 and sold it in 2006 for more than twice that - it's absurd!!

  4. Can't wait .  The Brits finally found they had a little money with their ugly houses and went  crazy and thought  they could buy houses in Spain and Italy and France and then realized after awhile no one there wanted to speak english to them so they tried to sell them at a lose.  Idiots.  Go back to biscuits and tea.

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