
Are you limiting yourself to driving places since the gas prices are outrageous ?

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Western New York - close to $4.00 a gallon real soon .




  1. Yes! Most Definitely we take a day and do all our shopping, and eating out due to gas being so high ($3.39) in Houston, Texas.  Also we are watching our driving also.

  2. I can't say I was influenced by gas prices. I actually started driving less when I started investing my money. Before, I had enough for any trip I wanted to take. Now I drive less, carpool more and have a discover card that gives 5% cash back on gas purchases.


  3. i am being more careful and paying more attention about driving and scheduling  but the price of gas does not take into account all of the places that I have to go daily.  All I can do is hope that the prices soon come down or that the government can give me more assistance since I am on a fixed income.

  4. Yea, I use to party every weekend at my local bar but ive stopped going to the city as much :(

  5. Of course.  While I have the means to afford the current prices, I want to keep my money.  Therefore I drive less, I drive slower, and I ride my motorcycle as much as possible.  Soon I will be able to ride my bicycle for short errands and to the gym.  Sadly due to high traffic roads, I am unable to commute to work riding my bicycle.  Speaking of bicycle, to all the drivers that read this message, you will be seeing more bicycles on the road.  Give them some room.  They may be just riding to work or an errand.

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