
Are you listed on the "OVERALL LEADER BOARD"?????

by  |  earlier

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I"m not.!

Others with equal points, and level rating as me are listed on page 30.

but I have not been included..

1* I was wondering, what is needed to be included.?

2* are you listed

3* why, or how??

4* what, if any difference does it make?

5* have you ever checked, b4 I asked this Q.?




  1. You could ask this question on the section dealing with Yahoo itself.  Yahoo does seem to have strange laws governing its behaviour and some have greater understanding of it than others.

    One's ranking may have something to do with how many of one particular section you have built up best answers in.

    I did try to see whether I was there - I still don't know because it took too long to find out - which shows I must be way, way lower than the 30th page!

    You have an amazing 43% b.a. - fantastic!  This is what is apparent to anyone who is interested enough to check your avatar.

    Just keep answering and enjoy you time on YA!

  2. Yes.  Last time I looked I was 7th in the w/wp category. I don't know and don't care why I am there. I couldn't exchange my points for a book of matches.  Nobody knows or cares who Picador is.  Picador just likes to write, and w/wp offers solutions to the eternal problem "What to write about?" I write about the questions.

  3. Pretty  much "no's" across the board. You did make me curious however, I may have to check it out, although I don't have that many points... yet!

  4. Im not listed either.

    Iwent to page 30, just incase, you arent listed to yrself, but to every1 else. but youre right. you are not listed.

    I wonder why most of us dont appear. Its strange eh.

    hve you ever answered, or seen any of the highest leaders questions/?

    no, I have never looked until now, thanks for prompting me.


  5. Hi Sweetie,

      I have over 29,000 points and I don't know about a list that's on page 30..What's up with that My Friend???

    Your Friend,


  6. no

  7. No, I'm not. I'm on level two.

    1, I'm guessing you have to be on a very high level, which means you have to have a lot of time, and like to type.

    2, No.

    3, No.

    4, I'm still waiting for my "Made Level Two!" check in the mail....

    5,  Oh.  Um.   No... Did you want an educated or correct answer???

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