
Are you living in our space, your space...or my space? are we living dimensional lives? and...are we living?

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Are you living in our space, your space...or my space? are we living dimensional lives? and...are we living?




  1. We're living when we choose to be.  My space, o'course.

    Like anything worth having, it takes work.  as far as dimensions, we all affect everybody else so we have  dimensions beyond measure, beyond thought.

  2. Sounds like most of us are in one may in fact be in another..because...I don't have clue 1 what you are asking?????????

  3. We could all be living in a big computer simulation.  The kind of thing i'd look for is if space or energy are quantized.  They are.  The speed of light is a maximum, and time appears to have a shortest duration. Therefore, space has a shortest length.  Now the evidence does not yet say that there's some sort of grid...  the evidence isn't conclusive.  There may be no way to prove it one way or the other.

    But whatever, the universe appears to have three dimensions of space, and one of time.  These are interrelated, so you could say that it's four dimensions of space-time.  And simulated or not, we meet my definition of alive.

    I don't believe in predestiny.  Predestiny was doomed from the start.  In particular, i have choices to make, and they matter.

  4. wtf r u on????

  5. Holy c**p...that must be your true hair color.

  6. I don't know what your saying.

  7. according to string theory, there are 11 dimentions of the univesre. 3 of space and 1 is time. i dont know the other 7. the dimentions of sace includes: up and down, left and right, and back and forth. time is the fourth dimension. we all live in on space, but we can move through the 3 dimensions and time.

  8. can I come live in your space? That'd be great!

    4th dimention usually... always runs out on me though.

  9. wtf happened to your brain cells?? I am laughing really hard right now HAHAHA

    hey, smoking is BAD for you!

  10. I'm living in my space but occasionally I share my space with others and sometimes they share their space with me.

    Yes we are living dimensional lives of which there are many much less can people comprehend.  

    Yes we are living consciousness and our physical bodies are alive too!

    If you were not alive  or living you could not have thought about your question much less received any answer to it.

  11. wtf are you smoking?

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