
Are you living your life to its fullest potential ?

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Are you living your life to its fullest potential ?




  1. No one can use all his potential, I guess. But we all try! Speaking of myself, I am glad of what I have done so far, although I believe there are many potentials I am still capable of using. May be when I get old and have more time, I will do more with my talent in painting, and music. But right now, all of my time and energy are directed toward my academic work and my house (which I believe is far less than I can REALLY do).

  2. nah bro. I have a to do list that would make my life better. But i just kick back too much and be lazy. But my 2 week holis are coming up so yeah. No school so i concentrate on thangs. Peace

  3. No i don't believe i am. For some reason i am scared about taking steps to doing things i want to do. Hopefully i will get over these silly insecurities and die knowing i tried everything i wanted to do. I am young so i've got quite a few year yet. I'ld hate to die thinking i'd wasted my life.

  4. Perhaps when I eat.

    I live it to the fullest by trying to live in the moment, take circumstance day by day and being prepared for things like my car breaking down.  I  feel in my element when I help others am creating things.  Dunno other than that only life will tell if I have.

  5. Yes sweet heart I am. I put my priority in order and it works great for me .I put God First ,Then My family, and then my friends then my job. And Here On Y/A I have met so many friends and Jewels like You, that I can love and never  have seen Like Lori,  I feel like she another daughter, you and Charles  are like my sons. and many many more that I feel kinship too.God love you all. And I am so blessed to have you all come through my life. even when we don't see eye to eye we can still respect , to me this is special.  God Bless, Yes  I love my life.and live it to the fullest. and you guys help me do that.thanks.

  6. Not even close. But just as soon as I figure out how to ignite these rockets strapped to my legs, I'm cruisin'!

  7. no :'(

  8. nope =[ i wish i could

  9. Nope.  I am being held back because of work and not having my own place.  Also, not enough money.

  10. Yes.

  11. Of course not--there then would be nothing to shoot for.

  12. thats a lot of work, and Im tired. To be a good neighbor, son, brother, etc, and to keep ones affairs in order, bills paid, chores done, and to be a quality person is enough, I think, I dont need to be a super-hero, or the planets savior.

  13. absolutely not.

  14. I doubt it.

  15. I believe I am. I'm still a teenager, so there's not much life for me to live to its fullest, but at least I'm trying. I get good grades at school so I can go to a good college, I have friends, I have a good family, I have a religious background with morals, I have goals and dreams.

    What else can one ask for?

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