
Are you looking forward to 2012?

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I have really enjoyed the Olympics and can't wait to see how we cope in 2012. I think we will cope magnificently, as the British do! What do you think?




  1. ya i hope no controveresys like Chinese

  2. I'm looking forward to the london olympics during 2012. Looking forward to watching it too.

  3. I wasnt sure at first but now it looks like we've got it covered. Even Gordon Brown is smiling it must be going well xD

  4. Totally! For 8 years I looked forward to Beijing 08 and it surpassed my expectations! So I am for sure excited about 2012! I hope I can go!

  5. Me too. I really got into it this year. I just wish that here in Australia they showed more variety of the events.. Long time a go we use to have it on every chanel, now only one broad casts it and I missed out on watching a lot of my favorite events.. But wasn't the closing ceremony great!! Just as good as the opening!!

  6. I think the 2012 will be a very different experience.

    Every Olympics brings the culture of the host nation to the fore and make it very different to the one before!

    I thought Beijing did a great job and I am really looking forward to seeing what London can do!

    I am sure it will be very different but every bit as good in it's own way!

    Thank you Beijing and Good Luck London!

  7. Well it's hard to look backwards to 2012.

  8. whats happening in 2012 ?

  9. YES !! But I do hope Great Britain will show its uniqueness and originality. I enjoyed the Beijing's Opening Ceremony. It was creative, and I liked it.  

  10. yes I think China really amazed the rest of the world. I think London will do equally well. and I really look forward to it!

    I hope the olympics will stir up the passion for sports in GB, and children will be inspired by different types of games and not just football. OLympics really reveals how much more sports events we should be investing in and enouraging our children to play.

    Some of my colleagues did not watch the Beijing olympics at all and found it annoying, but when asked whether they are going to watch the London one in 2012, they said definitely.

    I think sports should  surpass all nationalities and cultures, and whether it was held in Beijing or London, I still support it to the full extent. It is not an opportunity to creat conflicts and make the division deeper. It is an opportunity to appreciate and learn from each other.

    We should never limit our children's choice because of our prejudice or perceptions.

  11. Yes, I want be a volunteer!

  12. No, because I shall be four years older and I don't want to wish my life away.

  13. Should be good :) I love the Olympics x

  14. I think there's no way at all what the Chinese did will be matched by us - however, I really want to see what they'll come up with :P

    If Boris is still the mayor we'll end up having a massive parade of Routemaster buses or something as the opening ceremony.

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