
Are you looking forward to Global Warming?

by Guest64820  |  earlier

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It's about time that a catastrophe refines our species. Many will die, but the strong will live.

Evolution in motion. Any opinions?




  1. uhhhhhhhhhh let me think? noooooooo!!!!!!!!

  2. No but are you. I don't believe that global warming will destroy earth

  3. You think you can outcompete organized inner city gangs when they are on the move hunting for food?  The ex-marine down the street with a large military weapon collection?  Local policemen as they band together to protect their families?  Desperate refugees streaming across our borders?  Good luck.

    Every major human civilization has passed.  It appears that we're going to do it in a grand way that forces the planet to cull our numbers and take many species down with us.  It may turn out that the theory that there was intelligent life on this planet may be disproven after all.

  4. Oh yea im looking foward to it. lol just kidding. i really think nobody wants it. i think its jsut a part of life. just like everything else. if people treat the earth bad by polution or littering than of course its gonig to affect the earth. so im not really looking foward to it

  5. Yes.

    I'm considering the worst case, and it might do us some good. Housing in the densest areas is too expensive to knock down and renovate.  The best US coastline is everywhere crowded with tacky 1950s (or older) capes and cabins. Lets start over with 2500 sqft McMansions with insulation and central air. I'm not kidding at all.

  6. yes

  7. Humans are a tropical animal, a more tropical planet will likely improve our lot.  As for dying, it comes to us all, don't wish for it to arrive soon, you might turn out not to be one of the strong.

  8. NO way!!. everyone is strong in their own way, even if it isnt physically. and plus, i dont want to burn to death.

  9. No, because I don't like the idea of being poor.  See the link below.

    Kevin M - We won't be able to afford those houses.  Global warming will cause a worldwide Depression.  Proof.

  10. Yes I am looking forward for the GLOBAL WARMING if the GLOBE was warmed more and more the CHENNAI which was in INDIA will be drowned so lot of people including me will die so it will be a good idea to know how the death is.

  11. yes i am looking forward to the thing that will ruin the world.  JUST KIDDING OR BEING SARCASTIC.  If we have global warming it will melt all the ice and the rest of the polar bears that are already becoming extinct.  Then we would have to spend more money on air conditioning because it will heat up our houses.  Also wild animals will become extinct because they will die of the heat. Also if they die we won't have any meat to eat and also the plants will die of too much heat.  This evolution will not be a good one.  People will get fatter because they don't want to go out in the heat

  12. Absolutely not!!!!  Global Warming is a total catastrophe!  Even now global warming is doing terrible damage to our society.  Almost 1/7 of Antarctica has melted.  It is predicted that by 2010 the Icecaps will be completely gone, killing off many species.  In Northern countries, there is something called permafrost.  The permafrost is a layer of frozen earth.  Many trees and plants have taken root in the permafrost.  The permafrost has melted and trees are falling over dead the northern regions are almost barren now.  Visit for a chart with the amount of carbon dioxide in the air yearly (2nd page).  By 2010 the charts will have to adjust somehow because the line will be going straight up.

    If global warming is not controlled soon we will all die.  We shouldn't just wait for it to come or else we are all doomed.  WE should try to do something against it now or'll see what will happen if we don't.  We don't want to see what will happen, so everyone, please work against it.

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