
Are you looking forward to Sharapova shrieking at Wimbledon?

by Guest66570  |  earlier

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(neither am I lol)




  1. yes

  2. It's time the tennis authorities put a stop to all the grunting, groaning and shrieking that goes on, in the professional game. It's quite unnecessary !

    It's bad enough on television - at least you can turn the sound off - but it can certainly ruin a match, if you're actually present at the scene.

    Why not make it an offence, carrying disqualification?

  3. i'm kinda looking 4ward to it.Especially with Serena across the net ,her shrieks seem to reach new heights with the same ol result: loss.

    For someone as fiercely competitive as she is, she really gets intimidated by ReRe(thts my nickname 4

  4. Come on! Stop it!

  5. why do you ask then? hmm...  :)

    please help me:;...

    ^ parents: would you let your 14 year old daughter date a 17 year old?

  6. lol Kurnikova was more fun

  7. u can't really look forward, you know....

  8. What you call shrieking doesn't bother me at all.   I like the way she plays, and that's enough for me to keep watching.

  9. not a big problem at all. remember monica seles, too? she also shrieked but was  a real dear. everyone got their own unique habit. just happens that maria's shriek is loud, and not so pleasant. but we have other ones as well. take for example, ana ivanovic's squeaking shoes which are also not exactly music to one's ears. instead of the shrieking, i find her attitude these days more problematic (whatever happened to her sweetness and smiles?), which showed itself at the french open. so for me, grunt--no problem, but atitude--big problem.

  10. Gosh!


    Is anybody?

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