
Are you looking forward to going back to school? When do you start? What grade are you going to be in?

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I am definately excited

First year of college

Move in is on August 21st, classes start on the 25th.




  1. I'm so excited! I'm a freshmen this year and go back August 25th. 8th grade was so much fun and I can only image what highschool is like :)

  2. No I am not looking forward to it.



  3. no, not all.

    and on the 25th

    & im going to be a sophmore in high school

  4. I'm kinda excited. Start Aug. 29th. Senior in H.S ! =D

  5. Oh yes I am!!!!

    I am going to be in 15th grade! I start Aug 25. YAY!

  6. i'll be in 11th grade,

    but i don't go back unti september third.

    definitely the least excited i have ever been to start school.


  7. YES!!! (call me weird, but I love school)

    I start Aug. 25!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Last year in high school.

    I start September.

    And No, I'm not looking forward to going back, too lazy


  9. Senior High school - Start Aug 14

    I like having something to do during the day but most of my high school day invole free time like sleeping. I'm just too good for homework!

    PS:I'm not a problem child I just get it done in class! Oh, and I dont study.

  10. Actually im kinda excited because my summer was so boring, so i guess just like the first week of school is going to be exciting and interesting. but after that, im gonna wish summer was never over and then im gonna be complaining on how much i hate school. But im looking foward on seing some new hot guys lol, seing some new teachers and see if high school is really has bad and dramatic has it seems. what i have heard from my friends that went to high school and went threw all of it when i was younger, talking to me about it, i wanna see if its really like that. im going to 11th grade

  11. oh seeing all my friends again!! singing, having fun!!!! adn of course there's the learningaw weel bettre just get it over with

    start: sept.5.08 hehehe

  12. h**l No, September 3rd, Freshman H.S.

  13. I'm looking forward to school a little. To see my friends of course. I start Sept. 2nd. 3 more weeks and I'll be in Grade 10. =]]

    Have fun in college! lol

  14. I'm not really excited, because I'm going to be a senior.  I start school on August 25th.

  15. im going to be fin 1st year of H.S also.

  16. yes, yes, yes!

    i'm going to be a sophomore (in high school) and i start the 21st, can't wait!

  17. Bleh!!!! I don't wanna go back to school! Not that I'm a bad student or anything, but I wish summer was longer :'( It went by so fast! But I guess I am excited. In a way...

    I start August 21st also and I'm going into 7th grade. The big junior high (Ok so it's not big. lol). Yupperz. Good luck in college. I'm glad I don't have to worry about THAT for another six (Or seven?) more years. :)  

  18. I'm in eighth and am going back in TWO days. I've been running all over the place trying to get ready.

  19. Hmmm yesss

    freshman, august 22nd.

  20. im not really that excited...

    gana be a sophmore in h.s, hope its a good year for me :)

    and we start august 18 here in florida.

  21. I'm excited man im gonna be a freshman, in highschool

    8th grade kiked @$$ and everyone says highschool is a h**l of a lot kooler than middle (knock on wood :))and it's alot more fun and i cant' even imagine that compared to 8th

    aug 25 i think haha


    im already on the jv football team too

  22. First day of school today as a Freshman, I liked it, but now I'm ready for summer again.

  23. Wow someone sounds excited lol! No i am done with school but i miss all the party's and **** lol! Good luck and have fun! oh and study hard lol u know that tho.  

  24. Im looking foward to going to school. I miss my friends thats all really but not the work load.

    I start September 2nd - June 15th

    I am going to be a Freshman.... in highschool

  25. Yes and no. I'm looking forward to going back to school since it'll be my last year in elementry school (I'm 13 going into grade eight) but also I'm not so excited since some of my friends are going to this new school that is going to be built on the other side the city, becuase the school bored dosen't like to send the bus' that far out. But I'm still happy that some of my other friends are staying also. And for me school/classes, start officialy on September 2nd.

  26. I'm not really looking forward to going back to school...but I do want to get it over with. I'm going to be a senior, so you can already tell that I want to get out of high school and on to college. School starts the day after Labor Day (September 2).

    Good luck in college...I wish I was going, too...

  27. No,surprisingly I'm not. I'm not even really looking foward to seeing my friends?

    I go to 8th grade on Sept 4

  28. Of course i am, i am going to be a junior in high school. I can't wait to see the friends i didn't hang with over the summer. I start on September 2nd.

  29. mmm... i guess... in some ways i am excited...

    but i will miss the freedom of summer holidays...

    i am going into grade 10 pre-ib program..

    i start on sept. 2

  30. I'm gonna be a Highschool sophomore next year :D,

    excited and not excited.

    I heard your freshman and senior years are the fastest, which was trueeeeeeeeeeee...last year was SO quick :|.

    But, 10th and 11th grade are slower, which is and isn't exciting :).

    I'm excited cuz hopefully this year i'll use my time better then my freshman year, and i didn't do much, and i wasn't very social.

    So, I'm hoping to change that this year! :)

    and even though i did really good in school, i could try harder this year.

  31. i am super exited i am going to the 4th grade!

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