
Are you looking forward to ramadan??

by  |  earlier

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r u intending to perform all fasts?? inshallah i will...!

do you think u going to cope? its still summer!! long day without food or water!




  1. Inshallah i will, i love ramadan!

  2. Oh im definitely looking forward to Ramadan, to fast, to get up early morning and thenn to eat iftaar :D

  3. i been fast since i was like 6  and now am 19 so inshallah a be

    looking forward

  4. yes i am. and its np that its all day, and the days r longer. have sabr. itll actually pass very quickly.  

  5. This will be my first one so I will sure try. My college class are starting up so I'm sure I'll have something to keep me occupied.  

  6. YES! im so pumped

    and i know the days are longer but dont give up.

    time passes by very quickly lately so yea

  7. Honestly I never look forward to Ramadan as I don't like fasting and seeing fake Muslims with there gold chains and metro sexual clothing coming to the masjid and khutbahs constantly about the same ramadan information we already know and about the reward of eating dates and that they are sweet. But yeah Inshallah I will fast every day

  8. well i am looking forward to it

    but i cant fast all because i got to school and it can be really difficult

    but in the weekends and the days off from school..i sure will...Inshallah

  9. Of course.  I always intend to fast all of it.  It won't be too bad, I will be so busy that I won't even have time to think of food and water.

  10. summer isn't hotter than h**l,is it? so ofcourse i'll fast insha'allah

  11. of course!!  i can't wait   :)

  12. Yes i cant wait because it will be my first year to fast

    i know it will be hard but plz pray for me , inshallha i will be able to finish it

    by the way if

    you want to add me you can  

  13. for sure we gonna Fast!!

  14. No I`m Mexican so no, I do fast  when I want to loose weight tho.

  15. Haha! I love your question! I can't WAIT for Ramadan this year! It's going to be different than any other Ramadan I have EVER fasted! I have been fasting-truly without cheating-since I was in the 6th grade. Before that I felt I was too young to fast and my parents wanted me and my two older brothers when we were in like 2nd or 3rd grade. But you grow with the appreciation for it.

    This Ramadan will be my most defining one yet. As you already know, Ramadan is not just about fasting and not eating or drinking, but that it is also about abstaining from swearing, lying, and stealing too. I was never aware of myself when I possibly did these things during the previous Ramadans past. But now I will be way more conscious of what I do and I want to learn to pray and I want to recite the Qur'an. I want to please Allah and make him proud of me. I hate when I get my period because it throws me off.

    But the most wonderful thing of all is that I will be spending the majority of Ramadan in my homeland of Egypt for the very first time in my life! I have never ever been there before-let alone been anywhere-and I can't wait to experience the excitement of Ramadan in the place where it was intended for.

    I live in California and I've never even been on an airplane before and here in America, Ramadan isn't really capitalized on like Christmas and Thanksgiving, which we of course don't believe in. So going to the motherland where Ramadan is a natural occurence every single year will be a huge boost for me to do as my intentions are to please Allah The Merciful.

    I hope I haven't bored you but I can't help but share my happiness with whomever brings up the wonders of this beautiful religion but I will leave you with a wonderful thought quoted by the Holy Qur'an:

    ...and (the person) should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, 'I am fasting." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person), 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times."

  16. Yup, I am and I am intending to perform all fasts inshallah..I think I will be able to handle the heat too hopefully!! lol

    Good Luck to everyone.  

  17. Yupp.. its the niyyah (intention) that counts..

    In London we are breaking our first fast at like 8 ...


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