
Are you looking forward to the recession?

by  |  earlier

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We can hardly wait. Ireland’s nouveau riche and parvenus need taking down a peg or two with their fancy four-wheel drives and holiday homes in Bulgaria…… Ha! It’s far from holidays homes in Bulgaria they were raised!

Bring it on, that’s what we say!!!




  1. Well as a person who doesn't have a holiday home in Bulgaria or have a fancy 4 wheel drive but i do have children & live in rented accomadation & pay my own bills on very little income as it is now am not looking forward to the recession at all as it hard enough right now trying to get by week by week,i know people in high places wont give a dam so its the general every day down to earth person who it will hit the hardest,i should have packed my bags 2-3yrs ago & left Ireland like so many Irish did in the `80s & tried to make a better life elswhere for my family like so many non Irish Nationals have done in this country for the last few years & maybe i could have been "one of those riche and parvenus people" ...................

  2. recession! - bring it on... As Gordon Brown says - you never had it so good. It's a poli-talk, in other words guys it's time to pay the bills............

  3. Why not.

    The last one wasnt all that bad and the vincent de pauls were always good for a dig for food hampers at christmas.

  4. Well - I think all those who built massive showy houses all over the countryside will be sorry when they try to pay the oil bill !

  5. interest rate rises and buying reposessions is hardly a reputable way to make money , psssst psssst any cheap property in Bulgaria left ?

    " mangez le gateux . "

  6. isn't it great, now we can all enjoy a pint of plain in city centre bars again without having to listen to the suits shout about the large sums they made in 10 min, roish

  7. god all this talk about it will bring it on even worse. stop yakking about it

  8. Ah Jaysus we're all ******!!! I can actually see the sky starting to fall down, as a person who doesnt own 5 cars and 10 houses I can cope pretty d**n well on nothing, like most in Ireland we will be fine, its all those poor poor rich people we have to think about, how will they ever live on only €1,000,000 a week??

  9. During the last property price fall in London I met a Greek guy getting plastered because he couldn't afford the new interest rates on the five houses he had bought for rent, and he couldn't sell because of the price collapse. He got absolutely no sympathy from me. The rats caught in this trap need to be taught a lesson. The petrol price will stop the endless running around in cars for no good reason, get the kids on the bus and scrap the "mange-tout from Kenya" culture. And about time we all had a grant for solar panels Mr Brown.

    As for Ireland I've never seen so much wasted petrol driving cars about endlessly and aimlessly.

  10. I think in the long run it will bring us the humility that we sacrificed,

    over the last few years! We became a complacent, divided and depraved society due to greed and corruption!! There is an evident,

    fracture in the fairytale. The sincerity and idiosyncratic sentiment,

    that was once at the heart of irish society has become distorted,

    and obliterated by false and materialistic values. put it this way,

    it will be easier to keep up with the jones now that there on the way down. Perhaps when where not so conceited we will realize that, the mirror can remind us of who we truly are. The party is over, although the hangover is only begining beneath the burgundy sky and bloodshot moon. Experientia docet stultus!!

  11. everysingle person can have the job they want with the income they want including the fancy four -wheel cars and holiday homes.

  12. don't wish misfortune on others - that's not very good attitude. plus alot of the recession stuff is the media fault for hyping it all up. sick of hearing about it.

  13. Ha, ha! I dare ye to say that in yer column in the Star newspaper! And whats the fascination with Gráinne Seoige? Ye were raving about her in the paper again today!

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