
Are you making yourself a victim by being an individual?

by Guest62328  |  earlier

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Being individual implies having characteristics that are unique. Does this provide a guaranteed mechanism for one or more others to victimise you? Is this the cost of individuality and the cause of so much misery in the world?




  1. In my experience YES...

    Once I rejected an invitation to join in a union at college.

    In my opinion that union was useless and time waste...

    After sometime I was victimized.

  2. Yes, because society expects you to conform to all others  expectations and as a result; be like everyone else. And if you don't then you become a target for others to become victimized...

  3. only if you expect that you are going to become a victim... toherwise why should you? most individuals are very well respected and are praised for their originality - i guess it depends what type of victim you are talking about, all people can be called a ''victim'' even if they are not ''individuals''..

    the thing about ''individuals'' is that they usually are the way they are because of very high emotions... people who have very high emotions generally feel antagonism and negativity more than people who's emotions arent as high. having said this they often feel positive emotions higher as well, but in this case where the individual feels he is a victim, this may be bc he is seeing things in a higher emotional state than someone who is less in touch with their emotions......

    i dont think by being an individual you victimise yourself.... unless u are your own victim...

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