
Are you mean to people?

by  |  earlier

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what do you do specifically?




  1. Normally I'm pretty nice to people, but if they are mean to me I can be a complete a*****e.

  2. I am nice to 99% of people except this one guy at my work.  He is mean to me so I ignore his as best I can.  Ignoring is a little mean, not in my nature, but it's the best way for me to avoid conflict with him.

  3. Most of the times I am always nice to people.  If a person was mean to me, I would try to calm & pretend I was not pissed off.  But if the time came that that mean person was down & out, I would tread on him without him knowing.  Don't get mad, get even...secretly.  

  4. Only when they are being difficult. I guess be a B****

  5. I don't think I am mean.  I don't try to be.  I am sure I can come of that way if I get annoyed or don't like someone.  But over all on a day to day basis, I don't go out of my way to be mean to anyone. No point.  

  6. no, im a really nice guy

  7. Treat people the same as they treat you

  8. I tell them how stupid your f*cking question is...

  9. I try hard not to be mean to anyone....but this is not a perfect world and I'm not a perfect person.So it happens.

  10. No, I'm not "mean to people", I treat people with dignity & respect.

    Thanks for asking.

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