
Are you more left brained or right brained, and your sign please?

by Guest32394  |  earlier

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In case your not sure, a little overview:

left brained- tend to think more logically, practical, better at math and science than english/art/etc., detail-oriented, likes to make lists, charts, planner, good speaker, organized, speaks clearly, expresses thoughts well through words, goes step-by-step, understands verbal directions.

right brained- better at english than math/science/etc., understands visual directions, looks at the idea as a whole, thinker, idealist, creative, more disorganized, has difficulty with spoken word, better at expressing through other outlets.




  1. I've taken that test and got smack down the middle!!  

    I really can go both ways oh and with my thinking and artsy side too- muah hahaha ;-)

    Just kidding but seriously, I am so left AND right!!

  2. Definitely right-brained, all of the traits fit me perfectly.


  3. I'm more right brained for sure!

    I'm a Sagittarius!

  4. i'm ambidextrous. i was born a lefty (right brained) but my parents forced me to use my other hand. now, i can do anything with both hands but the right brained mentality never left me. probably because my sun is in pisces, moon in taurus, and rising in scorpio.

  5. Im definitely more right brained - pisces

  6. i am more right brain. and i am a capricorn.

  7. i am way more right brained, and i'm a libra :)

  8. Neither.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon.

  9. gemini!

    right brained.  im bad in math!! biology im good though

    i love art and i am disorganized.  but the funny thing is that when everything is all messy i remember where i placed an item

  10. More right


  11. Im middle brained

  12. I'm a little mix of both it seems...

    Nah, scratch that. I have more of the right brained traits.

  13. left brained....but I am a thinker


  14. capricorn. definitely left brained

    logical, practical, great at math, love science as a subject, hate english, cant do anything at all that is art related not even drawing a straight line, list making is my favorite hobby and problem solving technique, always plan everthing a million and one times before acting, strictly organized, one step at a time is the best way to live life for me, and i know how to take a verbal command!

    my cousin, is a leo and is more right brained, and go figure, she is left handed, know what that means....they say left handed people are the only ones in the right mind....

    she is artistic, creative, stylish, idealistic, an air head or scatter brain, and uses body language and wits to communicate

  15. Scorpio

    Right brained

  16. lol definately right brained-  sun/rising leo moon aries

  17. I'm a little of both, I don't identify with one over the other. There are some traits of both that I have, and some I don't have at all. I am good at spoken word, I express myself clearly, and am very good at thinking logically and practically. I I know how to be organized, and I like following a schedule. I'm much more verbal oriented in general. However, I am also creative,  and very good at English and dealing with abstract thoughts. I also have a passion for the arts, as I am a musician.

    Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising

  18. Leo.  Just Leo, I don't think the sun rose that day, and I was born when the moon wasn't out.

    Sometimes I think I'm middle brained... that is to say, the empty space between the two hemispheres.

    I guess right brained, though, but right handed.  I guess my wires got crossed somewhere.

  19. Whoa I messed up hehe. I am a right brained person. And I am Pisces.

  20. Right brained. Lol, I'm also ambidextrous and I can write and play with both hands but I prefer writing with my left and playing guitar with my right.

    I'm very good at English and I'm not logical or practical which is probably why I suck at Math and Science, which aren't interesting at all.

    But I look at the details of an idea, and what do you mean 'difficulty with spoken word'?

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