
Are you more likely to conceive during the summer months?

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I've heard that this is true. Is it?




  1. I don't know if this is true but I concieved in June.

  2. haha some people believe it's true... it doesn't really matter what season... although the women in my family often told me that a lot of people conceive in the winter because since it's so cold outside the only thing you CAN do is BD. I think it's cute... old wives' tales... but there's no scientific evidence in any of it.

  3. maybe because your more relaxed is key.. i got pregnant on vacation, so maybe.... i didnt want to think about, and you can feel your body is more relaxed when you are n vacation...

  4. The nurses in the labor and delivery told me.............

    When it rains it pours in other words my daughter was born in July,and the summer months see the most babies.I don't know if that's true or not,but i am going to have to take their word for it.

    I ended up with three different nurses when i was in labor because the first two had to deliver baby's right away.

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