
Are you more likely to misbehave at weekends or week days?

by Guest56014  |  earlier

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Are you more likely to misbehave at weekends or week days?




  1. weekends more than weekdays, but im in high school and its summer so i guess its about the same

    but when school gets back in, definitely weekends

  2. I misbehave every chance I get, weekend or weekday. ;-)

  3. mostly fridays and saturdays. not like misbehave as in something really bad, but maybe make out with a certain boy ;) and get rather drunk and smoke lmaooo =]...wbu ? lol .x

  4. What's your definition of "misbehave" and what age group are you posting to?

    Some would say I'm prone to 'misbehave' at any given time. ☺

  5. Probably weekends, but on week days kids may want to sneak out even though it is a school day.

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