
Are you more likley to turn a guy down if he?

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Seems nervous when he trys to ask you out, like if knows what he wants to say but is choked up to say it?




  1.'s silly.i like that.

  2. I would have to say that a guy can be creepy if he is always trying to talk to you but never says anything.  and i would be most likely to laugh at someone who approached me this way , but i guess some girls think thats cute.   ultimately just be yourself and if someone doesn't like it they aren't worth messing with in the first place.

  3. Well, pre-marriage, I wouldn't have minded that.  I understand being nervous asking someone out.  However, being able to actually have a conversation that's not awkward is important, and should happen fairly early on in dating.

  4. It makes a difference. Women don't like it. It is not politically correct but they hate it and they are less likely to accept.

  5. No, I think it's kind of cute.

  6. Nah - of course not. If I like him, I will say yes!

  7. Me, nah..I'd think that was cute!!

    Some people would rather have people who are more confident, and are smooth about it..

    But for some people, either way, doesn't matter.

    It's nice to have someone who's confident, but its also nice to have someone not so cocky for once.

  8. no way that makes some girls feel special

  9. I would now.

    In the past I would have said "no, that's sweet!"

    But then I went out with someone who was really awkward asking me out, and all he wanted to talk about was how women never go out with him and how he couldn't believe that I would want to talk to him or hang out with him, because he was a Nice Guy and women don't like Nice Guys. Not saying every shy guy is like him, but *man* was he annoying.

  10. No that wouldn't bother me. At least he's trying.

  11. no

  12. I would think that'd be really sweet.

    It'd show that he was nervous and scared you'll say no, and that he's a little intimidated asking you. Which is adorable.

    That'd make me more likely to say YES actually.

  13. If he's a little nervous that's fine. If he stumbles on his words a little that's fine. It's actually kind of cute. However, if he is completely incoherent then it could affect my decision.

  14. No, I would think it would be sweet.  It shows that she would have an effect on you which is a compliment.  Just be sure that she doesn't advantage of your sweet nature.

  15. No, makes no difference. If I like them, I say yes.

  16. No, I actually would like to have a guy that is shy to aske me out. Its nice to know he isnt used to asking girls out. Plus that means he must really like you.

  17. I donno a lot of people are answering that it would be cute. But you hear all the time, that women want a guy whos confident and even a bad boy =P what do you want more ladies? a cutie or a bad boy?

  18. Neither.  I wouldn't make my judgment simply on that basis, unless he just came out of nowhere and asked me out.  Then I would say No because I don't know him.  I usually go by looks and sense of humor.

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