
Are you more or less likely to kill giant bugs you find in your home?

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You all know what I'm talking about right? If you see a little tick or something you'll just crush it and go to the hospital to check for lyme disease, but if you've got a roach the size of a cockerpoodle in the kitchen things change... So do you whip out the broom and start laying the smack down, or open the front door and politely ask it to leave?




  1. If it's a spider it's gone. Anything else is welcome.

  2. I first try to let it go, because I don't like killing things that are just doing their natural job. But then, if i do that then more bugs get in, and that is when I start getting a little more attentive. After a few minutes if they're still at home, and getting into other rooms, that's when things change. I turn terminator only I don't torture the little critters. I have this spatula looking thing with a billion holes on it that I just get near the bug and it doesn't feel me coming but it gets the work done. I can't do that with bees or centipedes, they freak me out and I'm afraid of getting stung. I think brooms for killing insects is just too much. For some reason, the light of a candle pushes them away too. Don't know why but it seems everytime they get near a candle they go right out.  

  3. I killed a giant spider a few weeks ago and it turned out to be pregnant.

    Unfortunately I burst open her womb and tons of tiny spiders came rushing towards me.


  4. Depends on the bug. Not that I'm a bug expert but spiders eat other bugs. I'll just chase them away knowing they'll be beneficial in pest control without the poisonous stuff. The other nasties, since I'm the Dad, I get called upon to whomp them into vapor.  

  5. I trap it with a plastic glass (one used only for that purpose) and a piece of cardboard and throw it outside. I'm the one who cleans up messes, and I sure as heck don't need to clean something like that up.

  6. um ha ha i would kill it even moa i wouldnt scream about it lol

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