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sympathetic to women getting raped or men? I asks this because one question on yahoo a man asked this sort of question. I felt very sorry that someone threatened him like that.

I was almost raped by two men but a cop that lived next door to me came to my assitence... Bless him.

I think rape is one of the most frightful thing anyone can experience.

Not a lot of people were serious when this guy asked the question.

So are you more sympathetic to wmoen being raped then men?

If so why is that?




  1. both.

  2. Honestly,I have never thought about which gender I would be more sympathetic to.You hardly ever hear of men being raped ... either way it is wrong.

  3. Equal empathy should be given to both genders.

  4. both are equally horrible and i firmly believe in the death penalty for rapists

  5. Some people just don't get what rape is like. They think it's just rough s*x. They should really teach an understanding of it in schools.

    A man raping a man lends more to my sympathies than any other form of rape because it's raping more areas of the persons character than if they were of opposite s*x.

    In a man-woman situation I feel more sympathy for a woman being raped by a man. I know I probably shouldn't but I think it has to do with my personal security. I believe that if a woman tried to rape me I'd be able to restrain her easily. I can't imagine them doing the same if our roles were reversed.

    Then there's also the entertainment industry where there are many movies/series where a woman gets raped - but to this day I've only seen two where the man does. Only one of those he was raped by women (several) and the law didn't stand by him.

  6. It would be terrible for both. I don't think it makes a difference.

  7. Both, but it's actually less likely for men to come forward about it.

  8. Both.  

    It often happens that when a man says he was raped, people don't believe him or they make fun of him.  This happens to women too, but it happens more often to men.  So it sometimes happens that men have a worse time of it in this way than most women do.

    But I don't care who is raped; it is horrible.

  9. No, rape is rape, and I find it horrible either way

  10. I'm more sympatetic to women.  Although I feel for men 2.

    But I've been abused and it was awful.  I think it hurt more in front than in the back.

    But its still wrong either way!

  11. I'd venture people weren't taking the guy who asked that question seriously, because they don't take the threat seriously. Admittedly, my first thought was "Kick his a$$ if he tries." It's generally assumed that males can fight, and assumed that females can't. Not always true for sure (I know a number of female Black Belts) but I'm sure a typical assumption.

    You were physically assualted by two guys. This one guy was *threatened" by one guy. Of course, the reactions would be different. A guy who is in reality raped by another guy, is something to take seriously. A guy complaining that he was threatened... comes out sounding like a wuss. Sad but true.

    BTW, the raping of male !!children!! is completely different. I sympathize with sexually abused children completely, both sexes.

  12. I'm more sympathetic towards men (just a little more than women, not ALOT more). Because they get raped by other men and that must be really really horrible to the mindset.

  13. Probably a women.  Men are usually stronger than women so they have an easier time assaulting women.  It also shows what cowards they are.  Men usually can better defend themselves against other men.  I would be equally sorry when it is a gang rape on either s*x since there is no defense.  There is no reason for my feeling, I guess it was the way I was raised and that there was never much heard of men on men rape.

  14. I think it's funny either way.

  15. I think for it's worse for anyone that has to suffer through such a thing. Also here are some reasons why someone may not understand why it's hard for eaither gender.

    For women people will say things like- Yeah but women have more help for it: Women can talk to other people: women should be able to deal with it. All lies, so what- the person was still raped.

    For men people will say- who would actually let that happen to them: men are never raped: they don't get how much harder it is for women. again lies, no one wants that to happen to them and men are raped.

    Each one just has different bad things that happen, but that doesn't make it harded or easier for any gender.

  16. I am equally sympathetic to both sexes.

    However, girls are more susceptible to rape and it is harder for them to defend themselves so because it happens more I am sympathetic to girls more often.

  17. i would be equally sympathetic

  18. not sure

  19. honestly i feel the same for both. i was raped when i was only 14 so i know how it can s***w you up. it shouldnt be any different for a man to go through the same experience.

  20. I think more people assume that men should be able to defiend themselves while women are defenseless.

    This, of course, is not true and just a stereotype. One never knows the circumstance or the condition of the victim.

    That might be one of the reasons why people pass judgement.
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