
Are you more surprised that she waited 24 hours before her death or that nobody reacted when she fell down?

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Either way its really shocking and sad




  1. OMG....Not ONE person reacted when that poor lady fell, how disgusting!!.......says alot about the society we now live in sadly!

  2. That is very sad

  3. Both facts are shocking. What an awful story, I can't believe that even the hospital staff ignored her when she was on the floor. I could never sit and watch someone collapse to the floor without batting so much as an eyelid, that is just disgusting.

  4. More shocked at the indifference that other people showed in the waiting room. I would of thought one of them would of shown concern and gone to see if she was ok then called for assistance from medical staff. It happened right in front of their eyes and no one reacted to the poor woman's plight.

  5. what a sad society we live in when we don't help people

    why didn't somebody get her help ?


  6. why dont people help each other more this is sad

  7. Both but more by the lack of care those surrounding has shown! That's despicable behaviour but sadly a way of life now.......

  8. a complete and utter failure of the health system!

  9. That nobody reacted is much more shocking. Disgusting.

  10. I'm more surprised she was waiting 24 hours. I already knew that the days of people looking out for one another are long gone.

    Awful story.

  11. I think it all goes to show how detached the world has become. There was a news clip from USA recently of a man being hit by a car, people just walked passed without checking on him. People would rather pretend they didn't see anything than take a few minutes to help these days. Just all goes to show what a selfish world we're living in these days

  12. The same thing happened at the King/Drew hospital in Compton a few months ago. A woman collapsed with a major stomach problem and on the video, a cleaner was seen MOPPING around the woman as she lay on the ground.

    The hospital got closed down as a result.

    Utterly shameful, and just typical of the dog-eat-dog atmosphere in the USA today.

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