
Are you mosty looked at as a loser if you deside not to attend college in this world today ??

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Are you mosty looked at as a loser if you deside not to attend college in this world today ??




  1. Yes most people have been brainwashed into thinking that the only way to succeed in life, unless you're an entertainer, is to go to college. Teenagers aren't taught any better. Busting their @ss for the SATs, worrying about going to the most expensive school that'll accept them. Then after college people eventually realize that most of that stuff didn't matter nearly as much as it was made to seem.

  2. it depends,  If  your  just  going to bum around on the dole or  working as a checkout person well then yes.


    if you are going to be something that does not require going to uni (eg. carpenter)  the no you're  not a loser

  3. Yeah.  Sorry, that's just how modern society is.  If you don't have a plan (aka, college) then apparently you've failed at life.

  4. er... sorry, but yeah, its true ...

  5. Not to me. I think you're pretty smart seeing that the cost of college is out of this world. I went to college and now have to pay over $40,000 back in student loans. =)

  6. Looked at by whom? I don't think it matters what anybody thinks. I've been incredibly successful without a college degree but I have a trade and do well with it. The main thing is to decide what you want for your life and go for it.

  7. Loser is a harsh word.  If you go to trade school and excel thats different but you need to pick an occupation and excel at it, specialize in it, something that moves you along..

  8. By a lot of society, yes. It also depends on geographics.

    I live in a small town in the midwest and a lot the area farmers don't attend college. They've learned what they need to learn by busting their butts since they were kids.

    I certainly wouldn't call them losers. My respect goes out to them because they certainly work harder than a lot of college grads I know.

  9. Some people may think so, but I don't. In fact, I believe it's wise to know college isn't for you (at least at the moment) rather than wasting your time and money on something you don't want. I wouldn't rule it out completely though, for 2 reasons. For any decent jobs, most employers now want to see a degree. Whether this is right or not, or makes you less qualified than someone with a degree, is debatable, but it's a fact. Secondly, you'll be missing out on what can be a great experience. There's nothing wrong with taking some time off to figure out what you want to do.

  10. tough call

    I know some who have done well in small business

    you really have to have a strong goal in mind financially

    It can happen

  11. Unless you have a skill that doesn't require college, yes.

  12. Yes, you are looked at as a loser.  Doesn't mean you would be one for choosing another path instead.  I have my master's degree (6 years of schooling) and have gotten no jobs.  Now I am in pharmacy school.  More schooling.  More loans.  Luckily that career pays well.

    You can find another professional, yet accredited program, and do something you like doing.  Get HVAC certified or an associate degree (some people make $50,000 to start with if they get the right degree) or go into the medical field and get a 2-4 year degree (nursing, for example).   By the way, there are some college degrees that are worthless.  A nice degree example would be a B.S. in Chemistry.  That degree plus a good GPA will land you a nice research position.  However, a B.A. in English will probably get you nowhere if you can't get into journalism, teach, or write the next best seller series.

    Best thing to do is to sit down with your school counselor and try to predict where the jobs will be in the next few years.  Then get an education in a promising field that you like.

  13. Not really.  Uh, when I graduated high school, everyone had elaborate plans to go forth and conquer post-secondary.  6 years later, very few people have actually completed their degrees.  So, no, you're definitely not a loser if you don't attend college.  Those who actually went to work, rather than applying for student loans, are actually ahead now.  I'm sitting at $20 000 in debt going into my fourth year of school...could you imagine if I actually took advantage of the job boom in my area?!

    College isn't for everyone and it certainly doesn't give you success.  It gives you a piece of paper, not a job.  You can get by quite well in this world with hard work.  You know, in a couple years your work may pay for your schooling so you can advance in your career.  I know people with Engineer degrees from university (one of the most demanded degree) and they DON'T work!!  They don't have the skills to succeed in a workplace.

    Anyways, who the f-k cares what your classmates think??!  After high school, people move on with their lives.  You start going down your independent path.  You can travel the world, you can score an awesome job or you can go to school.  Do what ever you want and eventually things will come together.  I think you honestly look like a bigger loser if you cling onto your highschool memories and try to fit in.  

    I went right into college after high school.  I hated it.  I was at the "prime" of my life - I could finally drink and party.  I didn't want to be in I wasted lot of money on school to appease my parents and "become successful".  Then I dropped out (looked like a loser there), then took a crappy job (loser working in retail!!), travelled (I was cool for a bit) and now I'm back in school doing what I want (as opposed to what my parents wanted).

    Honestly, everyone grows at their own rate.  If you don't want school, don't go.  Take a year off, do something, then figure out what you want to do...things come together eventually.

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