
Are you nice to telemarketers?

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Are you nice to telemarketers?




  1. NO.

  2. I usually lie to them and tell them I'm not home.  They go away.

  3. I hang up on the robots immediately.

    If they have a bad Indian accent and I can't understand them I wait for them to pause and I just repeat "I can't understand you" until they hang up.  I figure whoever monitors the progress from the US will hear that eventually and rethink farming out the jobs.

    Real humans I will treat in one of two ways.  If they are just cold-calling 10 million people, I am terse and unpleasant.  They have made no effort to target their ads and I am not the target market.    Also if they lie to me, even a little lie, I will dispatch them instantly.

    For instance, my house is paid off.  I get calls that start out like this:  "Hello, Mr. X. We have been reviewing your home loan and I think we can lower your monthly payments"...  See, they are trying to trick me that they are from my mortgage company and that they know about my finances.  

    The same goes for "Hi, I just want to update your free listing in the Fake Yellow Book" ... blah blah blah for 25 minutes - and then they hit you with the "authorization"  The authorization is because you're agreeing to a $1,200 ad in the book. but you have to torture them to find that out.

    The nice ones I just play with until they give up on me.

    Here are words I live by.

    "Nothing good comes looking for you."

    I will never buy from a telemarketing company.

  4. For the most part, I am. I have a hard time being mean and saying no and all that c**p. But, I was running late for a class once, and the person would not stop jabbering. So, I was forced to hang up.

  5. Of course.  They are human beings who are performing a rough job.  I always think they may have a product that I am sincerely interested in purchasing.  But, the key is "what if the roles were reversed?"   I hope people will remember that these people are doing a job and not at home watching soap operas.  I respect what they do.  

  6. it depends on if its the same one that calls repeatedly

  7. I'm polite and I try to respect that they're doing a job.  Often when I listen to what they have to say and then tell them, thanks but I'm not interested, they keep talking - as if they can talk me out of my 'no'.  At that point, I thank them politely and say good bye.

  8. I'm not really mean to them anymore.......I just hang up on them........

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