
Are you not happy with YA never taking things off when you report them?

by  |  earlier

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yes or no?




  1. YES and when you ask a very good question or give a very reliable answer, it gets taken off in a heartbeat

  2. I only report the really stupid people who are perverts or the like, but they have always disappeared when I reported them.

  3. I don't usually report people. If I don't like the question, I just don't answer it.   So no, I don't really care. I get really pissed because I have had good questions on here, not offensive, and people report it. Once I asked for someone to pray for us... and someone reported me.... people love drama and making people unhappy, so like I said, I don't care.... I just think the questions that should stay... that's what I don't like...

  4. Actually, I am much unhapper about Yahoo removing stuff that should stay.  My latest adventure was to get dinged for "Previous answer is entirely correct."

  5. I am upset that I answered a question that the person asking did not like what I said so she has been sending my awful, hate filled, name calling vulgar emails and I can't report them.  I can only block her but she can threaten me without anything being done.

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