
Are you noticing the NEGATIVE twist the media is trying to use this week versus last week?

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Last week, the media basically tried to make Obama look executive, tried to keep everything positive, poo poo'd anyone trying to say anything too negative...then Obama in his speech could only make one point...Bush sucked (in his words).

Now, this week, everything is negative. They seem to cringe trying to say something positive about Sarah Palin, even picking on their pregnant 17 year old child!

How sick has the media become? I say they have taken things to a new level...for the worse.




  1. I don't think this is a recent development.

    Obama made his pick and you don't hear a thing about his choice pushing credit card company sponsered legislation which benefited his lobbyist son-But McCain makes his choice and suddenly every little detail is on the air.

    There has been a huge media bias for a long time--sad thing for Democrats is that they still can't win the presidency even with a huge starting advantage just simply because they fail on the issues.

  2. Perhaps this week in the news has been negative because of... oh, I don't know... hurricane Gustav and, yes, Governor Palin's pregnant daughter? Honestly, I don't know what the question is here.

    And political analysts are cringing because the pic of Governor Palin is honestly a joke. Yes, she is a strong woman who loves her family very much and has displayed intelligence, but so is my mother, and she is not fit to run this country.

    This woman has no foreign policy experience and her only experience is being the Governor of Alaska for two years. I'm sorry, but these meager two years in Alaska are not comparable to Obama's experience.

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