
Are you often misunderstood?

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How do u prevent misunderstanding?




  1. i'm always misunderstood by people who dont know me very well

    i think u have to sit and talk with me for awhile like a lng time to fully understand who i am and what im like

    i say alot of things and do many things that get misunderstood

    if i knew how to prevent misunderstanding id help myself lol, now i just try to keep a low profile around people who tend to misunderstand me...

  2. yep i am sometimes.. the thing is i can't say what's on my mind.. i can't put my feelings and thoughts into words.. so it makes complete sense in my head, but when it's coming out in words.. it's useless and misunderstood.. how do i prevent it? i stay quiet most times :)

  3. Oh My Yes, even though I don't want to be.  It makes total sense in my mind but I have to explain or re-explain what I am trying to convey.  I am working on it and soon I will not be as often misunderstood!

  4. im so like Naomi, i can't express myself in a good way

    so i shut my mouth most of the times especially when im nervous and angry

  5. Hmm.. as they say 'never judge a book by its cover'.

    I am usually miss understood as a proud man... but its the way round when they come to know me personally. One reason could be that I talk little or to the point and the other could be the appearance.

    How to handle it: probably talk more and look more casual....

  6. I don't think so because I try to be as clear as possible, I am a straight forward person and when you are like that you cannot be missunderstood

  7. you can't prevent it.  It could happen at any time.  All you can do is minimize it.   And I try to be as true to people as possible.  If I do sense they misunderstand me, it is up to me to correct that and be bold.  

  8.'s the story of my life !  I suffer badly from foot in mouth disease !

  9. i dnt know .. you tell me ... =)

    i sometimes can't express myself well and leave people wondering what the h**l happened ... also i dont talk much so i try to be as precise as possible ...  

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