
Are you ok with death?

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or do you freak out at the thought of one day not existing anymore?




  1. No I dont freak out at the thought of one day not existing anymore,but I'm just worried about the people I leave behind,because they might not be able to deal with it,thats what scares me.

  2. I cant bring myself to think bout it....even doe been close to it a few times ie.getting hit by a car,bus.....stuff like that.

    But no im not ok with it in my own way but it doesnt mean i dont think abt it, i think everybody has this notion that were all gonna live for long and last forever so when theyr in their last moments they feel its almost surreal....but anyways death is a part of life just be thankful for however long you've spent on God's earth....

  3. i'm not particularly looking forward to it, but i've made peace with it.

    it's just the death of my body after all.

  4. It's part of life.  

  5. The human me is not but the spiritual part of me can't wait for death-to be with the One that died on the cross for me.

  6. I like most take life for granted which in a way is a good thing to keep us from thinking of death to much its a depressing thought that all we worked for all the things see and people we meet will all cease to exist to you when you die.

    But overall im ok with death I cant avoid it

  7. I prefer not to think about it.

  8. 'I don't mind dying, I just don't intend to be around when it happens.'  

    sorry, I forget who said that but I've always enjoyed the quote.  Seriously though, as much as I enjoy my time here, I'm not concerned about dying.  Being Christian all I lose when I die is this body.  What makes me 'me' keeps going and there's a whole other set of adventures to be had on the other side of life.  So while I'm in no hurry to kick off, I'm not worried about when the time for it comes.  I finally get to go Home.  Peter Pan wasn't off when he said 'to die would be an awfully big adventure'.  If I didn't have that assurance, I'd be terrified, thinking this was all there was and there was an end to me that was permanent and pointless.

  9. Well if you're not fine with it that's too d**n bad cause it's gonna happen whether you're ok with or not, ya know..

  10. No, I'm not OK with it.  I can't bear the thought of leaving my family behind.

  11. in as much as it bugs me not being who and what i am anymore, as it's only a matter of time i see little reason to complain, maybe i could use the rest heh but not yet

  12. as long as it leaves me alone, i'm fine with it..

  13. I have no desire to hurry it along.

    But it doesn't worry me in the least.

  14. No,iam going to live forever.

  15. Death doesn't worry me. I have a history of clinical depression, so from my point of view death would be a welcome relief to the agony of living!

    In fact, the best way would be to overdose on something then jump off a tall building - to be doubly sure.

  16. Everyone does it, so when my time comes I'm sure I'll be able to do it too. Hopefully without too much panicking and screaming.


    "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke."

  17. None of us Have A Choice The Day Your Born Is Your Countdown to Death Just Try to Be True to yourself while your Here After all it may seem like a lifetime But in the Existance Of Mankind its Nothing

  18. Both.. I no its just sleep. but i don't want to die

  19. The process of dying is scary and frightneing. Death itself is no problem - probably v peaceful - like a v long weekend lie-in.

  20. Its the only sure thing in life!

    It does scare me a bit but really you cant be scared of something you dont know!

  21. h**l yeah, I'm way cool with death. Us Buddhists all are.
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