
Are you okay with the Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17 and not married?

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The future Vice President and her family need to be an example for citizens. Will this issue provoke other teenagers to have babies before being married? Is it acceptable?




  1. Oh good grief! No mother has total control over any child and despite the best environment, opportunities, money or parenting available, a 17 year old is still going to make choices (good or bad). If Bill Clinton didn't ruin the country with his sexual shenanigans in the oval office, I doubt the teenager of a vice presidential nominee is going to start rampant teen pregnancies.

    Sorry, there are so many larger issues, the media attention to this is making me nuts :)

  2. Sure it does but lets face it people are acting like this doesn't happen all over the nation everyday! The problem isn't her daughter but all parents in America. Maybe if more parents were there for their kids we could have this happen less. It doesn't mean that every teen who gets pregnant doesn't have good parents ether. Let's not blame Palin and her daughter but instead get on the ball about teaching kids proper education about s*x. I see tones of questions that are common sense on yahoo all the time from young teens that have no clue what they are doing? That is what is sad! People need to judge their own family's and life before making a reach like this to create gossip on what seams like a very nice lady. I of whom would like her to be vice president because she has real life experience like the average American and isn't some stuffy rich %#$#$ like Hillary.  

  3. I dont care.

  4. Why wouldn't it be.. Just think you don't know the whole story of that child's life and you don't know what shes going through. If I'm not mistaken there was a group of teenagers in Pennsylvania that had a pregnancy pact.. So my thing is she wont be the first and she wont be the last.. Live and Let Live.. You don't have to answer for any of her sins on Judgment day

  5. who really cares??? This whole thing is blown out of proportion!

  6. I dnt think its anyones business everyone makes mistakes jus like the whole thing wit jamie lynn spears it aint her fault that other teen girls got pregnant the same time she did!! I'm 17 and I'm 38wks pregnant and not married but I am still wit the baby's father!!!!  It isn't anyones business if her daughter is pregnant tho!! Jus like borack said "her family should not be involved in this"

    I think it is verrrry immature for everyone to judge this woman by what is happenin to her daughter it jus makes me sooo mad!!!!!!  

  7. I think it sends a bad message. don't you?

  8. Obama's monther was pregnant with him at 17.

    I think it is just as okay for her as anybody else in the world.

  9. yes, Although it is not what we want for our children, we raise them right, and when they grow up, we can't help what they do when they are out of our sight.  At least she is not choosing murder in the form of abortion.

  10. I don’t think it’s any of our damned business. Teenagers make stupid choices, and it’s not always easy for their parents to stop them. I don’t think it’s any reflection on Sarah Palin.   Plus, last time I checked someone like Jamie Lynn Spears had more influence over kids than the VP’s daughter.

    I personally am pound to live in a time where we don’t have to hide an unwed pregnant teen like she’s a leper. Even 20 years ago, something like this would have been suppressed.  

  11. I think people can relate to the fact that even most well-intentioned parents cannot control every decision made by their offspring.  I don't think it will provoke other teenage pregnancies, that's simply an ongoing reality.

  12. Um...teenagers are and will continue to have children before marriage. i think jamie lynn spears, someone who lots of little girls look up to from zooey101 is more of a problem. who really cares about some girl that no one heard about before recently? jamie lynn was a successful CHILDRENS television show star. My niece watches that show. Shes 7 and probably thinks its ok to get pregnant whenever, because zoey did. she loves zoey. And i dont think its going to tell teenagers its ok to get pregnant out of wedlock. when youre 17 are you really thinking about what the vice presidents kids are doing? no. Rolling stone did an article a couple years back, interviewing ashton kutcher and he talked about the bush twins smoking weed and getting trashed at a house party he had. did that inspire anyone to go smoke weed and get trashed more because they were? no. not really, i didnt really care. This lady just so happens to have a real family with real problems. Not some fake perfect family that is always on the right side of everything. Shouldnt the fact that she supported "freeing" alaska from the union be more of a real problem?

  13. Yes I am okay with shows America that even politics have to deal with what we deal with every day..I think it will show teens that even if they do make the mistake that there parents will still be there!

  14. I don't think that any one is going to get pregnant because "the vicepresidents daughter did".  If she had a pregnant 13 yr old or if they had hushed up an abortion so it wouldn't effect her votes then it might be an issue, but her daughter doing what a good many others are doing, no, it makes no difference to me.

  15. Eventhough, i can never vote for mccain and palin but her daughter been pregnant should not have anything to do with her running as a V.P.  even Obama said in his speech that people should not condem palin because of her daughter.  17 getting pregnant is still better than some idiot getting pregnant at 12 either mistakenly or planned.

  16. Don't we already have a problem with unmarried teen mothers?  I think that the fact that Bristol Palin's family is behind her is enough.  Not everyone has that.

    It shouldn't be the only think we look at when we are choosing who will help run our country.  

  17. My opinion - It shouldn't effect her.

  18. Why wouldn't it be acceptable? People are judging her just because her mom is in the lime light. But do people judge every unmarried mother? I'm 19 about to have my first baby and I'm not married and I don't think many people judge me.  It's very VERY sad if people have a problem with this.  Not to mention how many teen girls are going to turn to the daughter of the Vice Presidential candidate as a role model? Not very many.

  19. like obama said.. We will not pick on families and we certainly wont pick on children.

    i toatlly agree with him.

    these things happen. The fact of the matter is it isnt our business. Leave her family alone. Would you want the entire US trash talking you if your daughter made a mistake?

    If you truly feel that it isnt acceptable then dont vote for McCain

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