
Are you on a fixed income????

by Guest60823  |  earlier

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Every time I see someone that is elderly, poor or from New Orleans and wanting a government hand out they always say they are on a fixed income. I only get 2 checks a month, each for 7,500 dollars, that puts me on a fixed income. Before taxes anyway.




  1. More than enough money has been sent by the feds -tax payer $$- enough for everyone who has lost their homes to have already been rebuilt. Someone has gotten rich and it isn't the people of New Orleans.

    Having said that, I can't imagine rebuilding in areas that are prone to flood again. Move these neighborhoods to areas that are safe and will not cost us to rebuild again. " O' but this is our neighborhood. I grew up here. It's home." Not any longer, or at your own risk/peril.

    PS: I get your point, but 15,000 a month is plenty for anyone unless you are living in Orange County and still, you can get by even there. That is not what these people are talking about. Unfortunately, some are talking about their welfare check. But many are ssi and other retirement or disability.

  2. My income actually needs fixing.

  3. A fixed income generally refers to a type of annuity or pension payment that will never be more than it is now - they have no way of increasing their income.

  4. You "get 2 checks a month for 7500.00 each"??? What are you complaining about you are rich!!! that's 15000 in 1 month.

  5. That's not the idea of a fixed income. It is sort of an idiomatic expression that means a persons income will not increase.

    It harms those who live on the same income each month and that inflation lowers their purchasing power. Even a moderate inflation rate will considerably erode a persons income during a ten year period of time.

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