
Are you on here.....?

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Untamed, I will definitely keep that in mind.

Right now the only thing that has worked for me in a warm lavender bath. I love bathes and could sit in the tub for hours but unfortunately I get pruney and as soon as I get out they're up and at it again.




  1. Can't sleep...wish I could sleep. It's 4:20 here and i know the little girl will be up and into trouble around seven.

    Music...for some reason seems to help if you have a really active little one.  relaxes them and you.  another thing that might help when pregnant is a body pillow.

    lol Michelle, I did that in my first trimester....go home for lunch break, take a nap sleep until I had to get up the next morning for work.

  2. In nursing I damaged my sleep cycles doing days, nights, 24 hour shifts, all weekend shifts, whatever.  When I retired I rested and got caught up on my sleep but a weird anomaly developed and has been in place now for 10 years.  It bugs people but I really don't care if it does.  I fell into a sleep-wake cycle of instead of 16 hours awake and then 8 hours asleep, I'm awake 20 hours and then sleep 8 hours.  That makes me wake up four hours later every day than I did the day before, and that cycles on an on through the days and nights over the weeks.  I absolutely love it, that longer awake cycle without shorting myself on full regular 8 hour blocks of sleep.  Anyway, sometimes I'm here at this time because it's my day and I'm working on the PC.  And, sometimes I'm here at this time because it's my night and I'm relaxing. But, regardless, I'm here at this late hour tonight because I don't feel like working OR relaxing.  Just wanted to see you guys for a moment, see what you were up to.

  3. Insomnia

  4. world wide website....isnt that late for everyone

    personally I'm an insomniac I dont sleep

    YOU! miss prego...should be in bed.

    lol it's alright it happens.  I was the opposite during my pregnancy, would sleep 16-18 hours a day.  Literally.  No it wasn't good for work.

  5. Getting some things ready for my daughter's birthday. and she is also awake. she thinks that sleep is something you do in the afternoon. she's a night owl. hope you get to sleep soon. God Bless

    She will be 2 years old on friday. they grow so fast.

    I used to be able to run on less then 4 hours now that i am old ( 25 ) i need at least 5 hours :) but with my wonder child that won't happen anytime soon.

  6. addiction and procrastination :-) it's the novelty and i'm hoping it'll wear off soon ... i work on my pc most of the day at the moment and i usually check emails and here every couple of hours or so :-)

  7. im not here late at night at all actualy, it not even 6pm

    but yes it is addictive

  8. It's an addiction! And there are alot of people on here tonight.

  9. Addicted.  Don't want to sleep.

  10. Just building up some points since my account got "suspended" for no reason.  Oh well, only a small hurdle.

  11. I'm leaving for work in 40 minutes. I'm just killing time.
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