
Are you on the raw food diet ?

by Guest33761  |  earlier

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how long have you been on it and how has it affected your health ?

Have you had any complications with it ?

I attempted it last year but stopped after getting very sick after 6 weeks into it and I was never sure if it was because of the diet itself.




  1. I am on RAW right now. You do not say how you were ill.. certainly could have been a bug or something. LOL many people changing to Veggie-Vegan blame their diet when they would have gotten ill no matter what they were eating at the time.

    On a Raw Diet there can be some DETOXING. It can happen at different times as your body rids itself of all the nasty it has been subject too over the years. It is recommended that ones rest more & drink extra fluids during a dextox period. Some people do a colonic to help their bodies get over it quickly.

  2. I'm on the raw foods diet right now. I feel cleaner, really. I've only been at it for about a week though.

    A question about the detoxing, how long into the diet does your body begin to detox itself? and how long does the detoxing take?

  3. Your system detoxes when you go raw vegan and dumps all the stored c**p into your bloodstream to work its way out.  That's maybe why you felt lousy.  That probably would have gone away in time.

    I am trying to be raw as much as possible but more like %85 than %100.   Like if someone cooks something for me or asks me on a date to a restauraunt, I go and don't worry about it.  I just order something light.

    I found a dairy that sells raw milk and I take B vitamins & kelp.  This way my hair doesn't fall out.  Raw milk is way more nutritious than regular.   I eat sushi (raw fish) from time to time, as well.

    The %100 raw vegan thing made my gums recede and my hair fall out.   Otherwise, I felt great.

    But I feel better now~

  4. I'm on the see food diet. i see food and eat it.

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