
Are you one of those who say the current economic s***w up is not Labour's fault ?

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Read on my friends.............................

Yes - there may be a global "slowdown", but that is NOT what is happening here in the UK. Here in the UK, we are suffering from a major economic s***w up cause by incompetent New Labour people and policies !!

It's time for the die hard old socialists to "fess up" and face reality - New Labour are destroying the UK !!




  1. No!I am not one of those people!Most of the financial ills we are experiencing right now can be placed at the door of the Labour government!

    They keep saying the main cause is a global 'downturn' in trade!But Global 'downturns just do not happen overnight!

    What has caused most of the problems is!Labour economic negligence!

  2. "Die hard old socialists"? Supporting New Labour ? Are you mad?

    Or just an ignorant moron?

  3. You`re spot on! All the world is suffering inflation due to the increase of oil prices, so why are they not in  TOTAL RECESSION like here in the UK? As you rightly say, if it was global, every country would have a recession. But then again according to Labour we haven`t got one! RIGHT?

  4. I have never voted labour, now you know why too much kow towing to everybody but their own people just to look good to the rest of the world ,we can go jump in a lake we`re just British so do not matter, I could go on but let it rest there.

  5. Broon was happy to take the credit (pardon the pun) and plaudits when the tide was coming in.

    Now the tide is going out, suddenly its "not my fault"

  6. I have read carefully your additional details and wonder who you are going to vote for.The points you put forward are all true but the selfishness and dodgy deals are true of all MPs.All party,s voted to invade Innocent country,s.There is a massive imbalance

    between rich and poor but no rich MP,s will do anything about it.This will become even worse under the conservatives whose latest announcement is no tax on the first 2 million pounds of inheritance .This is a sample of me,me,me.Greed and selfishness.

    {I,ll vote for Helen p]

  7. I most certainly am not one of them. I accept that SOME of the problems the UK faces are global problems, however I place most of the blame ssquarely in New Labour's hands.

    Who sold off our gold reserves for a pittance? That money could have come handy now!

    Who is now still selling off the country's assets when prices are at their lowest?

    We have no money left to tide us over what could be very dire times, and the fact remains Labour do not understand even basic economics. Tax, borrow, spend and waste seems to be their motto. The sooner they are out, the better.

  8. I think it is fair to say that the government is not wholly to blame for the present crisis at an international level. However they are wholly to blame for the fact that we are ill prepared to meet it  and for the general s***w up of out internal economy

  9. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. No - it is not JUST Labour's fault.

    We have had the fat years - the years of plenty and what did we do during those years?

    We drove down wages - despite the minimum wage legislation.  We ensured that the rich got richer and the poor poorer.  Big business got into bed with New Labour after the bed of the Tories became sequestered by electoral bailliffs in 97.

    The problem is our democracy has been high jacked by those who would have the electors treated like cattle - driven into the slavery of debt if they want a University education - rates have increased exponentially, fuel prices are out of control and the poor just cannot afford to live any more.  Child poverty has increased yet the economically illeterate within our body politic cannot see that if one drives down wages, increases job insecurity and ensures that big busines is not subjected to the checks and balance of Union membership, then the population will inevitably have a decline in economic terms.  And all this happened during the years of plenty.  Then New Labour shakes its head and says we don't understand why child poverty is increasing when we have made such strident efforts to defeat it.  Child poverty goes hand in hand with parental poverty.

    The fact New Labour can't see that is sheer economic stupidity.  All decent law abiding countries know that a big middle class drives down crime rates.  Yet both the Conservatives before them and New Labour have striven to increase the riches of the very rich and tax the poor more - squeezing the poor to pay for the rich.  A complete reversal of Socialism.  And they call this a free capitalist market.

    We do not have a free market - we are over run with protectionist measures to ensure that as much money can be crewed out of the tax payer to pay those in the pockets of New Labour through corruption disguised as ineptitude as chiselling little scoundrels attempt to suck the country dry in economic terms.

    The myopic short termism of both New Labour and the Conservatives before them has left this country in a sorry state at the start of an economic downturn and frankly corruption lies at the heart of all our difficulties.

    However those usded to milking the system will continue to squeeze the poor until the pips squeak and the middle classes will dwindle to nothing.  Leaving only a debt enslaved class of the poor - and the super rich who will resist any change until the electorate finally wakes up and votes out both Tories and Labour.

  11. No!

  12. I'm not a Socialist in any way or form and I agree with you, New Labour is just Old Labour under a newly spun name. Gordon Brown is a pathetic excuse for a PM. As for Alistair Darling (funny name for a bloke. Last person I called Darling was pregnant 20 seconds later) is a monkey with a calculator doing the job that is best left to a qualified economist.

    Isn't it strange that the top economist's job in the UK is always given to someone who isn't an economist?

  13. Even Italy are ahead of us - we must be in trouble!

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