
Are you one of those who want grandchildren just to pass on the genes and name?

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If you recognize this name and saw my previous questions, you'll know that I'm childfree for many reasons.

1) Do you want grandchildren to pass on the name and the genes? How would you fee if any of your kids never wanted children?

2) When you had children, did you have them so they could take care of your when you're older?

3) How would you feel if your son decided to change his surname?

Being childfree, I have faced harassment from parents (mostly online and who are now blocked) and sometimes mine. My dad wants grandchildren to pass on the name. I've been asked who will take care of me when I'm older. I can take care of myself.




  1. I have two daughters and NO, I do not expect them to take care of me when I get on in years.  What kind of life is that for them to look forward to?  I think it would be very selfish of me to give them that burden in the prime of their lives.

    Sure, I would like grandchildren.  Not for the namesake, not to show other Grandma's the annoying photos, but to just enjoy them.  If my daughters decide not to have children, I would be fine with that.  I support them.

  2. 1. I hope they will! If they decide not to have kids, that's their decision, and I'll be fine with it.

    2.Well my baby was an unexpected present, so no, I didn't have her so she could take care of me. Even if she was planned, I think that's a selfish reason to have kids.

    3. Well, I don't have any boys ,but if I did, I probably wouldn't mind. I would be a little disappointed, but hey, it's his decision and I would support my children in anything they did.

  3. 1...I would love to have grandchildren to see my daughter become a Mother....I think she'd be a wonderful Mother. If she doesn't have children, that will be her decision

    2...No, I wanted a child to love and I wanted us to be parents....we've made arrangements so she won't have to take care of us. She's our child, not a nurse.

    3....I don't have a son...but one day if my daughter gets married she'll change her surname if she's her decision

    I think if you don't want children that should be your decision and everybody else should butt out. You should only have a child if you and your partner want to be parents. That should be the only reason.

  4. No.  I am a grandparent of one and soon to be, two.  I love my children unconditionally and would love them to experience the same deep emotions and feelings which I felt for them.  My children have added so much joy to my life, that I wouldn't want my children to miss out on that.

    On the other hand, I think the world is a bad place for children.  My own daughter says she doesn't want children, and I can see her point.

    I do think elderly people really value their children.  I work with a lot of elderly people and yes, the children do care.

    It's not why I had children, but I hope my children will be a comfort to me when I am older.

    I would be a bit surprised if my children changed their surname.  I have a nice one!  

  5. I have many years before my girls have babies, but I can't wait to have grandchildren!  I absolutly LOVE children!  No, I didn't not become a mother so that my children would take care of my when I am older.  But I do hope that they would have enough love for me and thier father that they would see to our best interest when our health is an issue.  

    That's great that you can take care of yourself now, me too!  But seriously, we all get old.  You might need some help when you get older, but you shouldn't have kids just because you want to make sure someone will take care of you when your elderly.  What if your kids don't want any part of it?  I think that you are missing out on a lot of great times if you choose not to have kids- life is never boring when you have kids!  

  6. I really don't care if I have any grandchildren.I  remarried 10 yrs ago and we each had 4 children, then we had one together.I was 40 yrs old at the time. Now I'm 49 with an eight yr old. I love all my children, but I'm done raising kids. I don't even like to look at babies.

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